Hi all:
I was trying to go to a site to watch something. Leftover news, actually on msnbc. It said i needed Adobe Flash player and provided a link to the site. When I got there I tried downloading it. (I selected “.rpm for Linux” btw).
I get a message from YaST2 that “flash-plugin-” cannot be installed. Because it’s already installed.
If it is, then why isn’t it working?
I don’t really care about msnbc, but there’s some stuff i really want to watch.
What version of openSUSE?
Post result of
rpm -qi flash-player
And how about a url to an example, wrap it in code please
What version of Flash do you have installed, and what web browser are you using? Try
rpm -q flash-player
in a terminal to get the version.
I suggest manual updates of plugin. But, I have specific needs, since I must use debugger version of player.
Anyways, I have Taboo-ed flash player in YaST, so when I want new version, I download package from adobe site, manually copy libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/browser-plugins
that is about it… Can’t go wrong.