The time of my netBook is 3 hours more.
I’ve tried to set the time and region in two ways
1-by icon that appears on the taskbar
2-by YaST
I can set the time, but after a few minutes, the clock back to stay over three hours.
How do you adjust the time permanently?
And it would not be bad if you provided some hard information like:
What are the setings when it is wrong:
Tell what you changed from what into what.
Show the settings again after you changed them with the same command (and hopefully before they are changed back to the wrong settings.
And as you say you do this for the system (using YaST) and also for the user (by some icon in a desktop unidentified by you), which each have their own settings, please do so for both the user and for root.
I tested all the suggestions, no matter what mode I use to set the clock
In a few minutes after the adjustment, time continues to advance two hours;.
What else can I do?
Run “sudo systemctl stop ntpd” and see whether the problem persists.
To disable it permanently run “sudo systemctl disable ntpd”.
If it helps, we know that NTP is causing your problem, and can further investigate.
Most likely it is some confusion between local time and UTC though, as already has been suggested.
So again, please also post the output of “timedatectl”.
That change is not done correctly. Not only the time, but also the timezone (UTC) should have been changed. In fact is it so that you should change the timezone and the result will be that the time changes.
Thus you must explain what exactly you do between the two. No geneneric remarks: “and after changes”, but; "I executed this command:, or: "I started … and then clicked …, etc.
We can not look over your shoulder. We depend copmpletely on what you tell and show us. When you do not understand that, it is impossible to help you.
After executing the commands below, the clock shows the right time
linux-7vcz:/home/sergio # systemctl stop ntpd
linux-7vcz:/home/sergio # systemctl status ntpd
ntpd.service - NTP Server Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ntpd.service; enabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Qua 2016-10-12 18:35:13 UTC; 3min 0s ago
Docs: man:ntpd(1)
Main PID: 2461 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Stopping NTP Server Daemon...
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Starting NTP Server Daemon...
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Started NTP Server Daemon.
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz ntpd[2461]: proto: precision = 0.917 usec (-20)
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz ntpd[2461]: switching logging to file /var/log/ntp
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz start-ntpd[2450]: Starting network time protocol daemon (NTPD)
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz start-ntpd[2450]: Warning: /etc/localtime not found or not readable
Out 12 18:35:13 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Stopping NTP Server Daemon...
Out 12 18:35:13 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Stopped NTP Server Daemon.
Out 12 18:38:03 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Stopped NTP Server Daemon.
linux-7vcz:/home/sergio # date
Qua Out 12 18:39:12 UTC 2016
linux-7vcz:/home/sergio # systemctl stop ntpd
linux-7vcz:/home/sergio # systemctl status ntpd
ntpd.service - NTP Server Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ntpd.service; enabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Qua 2016-10-12 18:35:13 UTC; 3min 0s ago
Docs: man:ntpd(1)
Main PID: 2461 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Stopping NTP Server Daemon...
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Starting NTP Server Daemon...
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Started NTP Server Daemon.
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz ntpd[2461]: proto: precision = 0.917 usec (-20)
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz ntpd[2461]: switching logging to file /var/log/ntp
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz start-ntpd[2450]: Starting network time protocol daemon (NTPD)
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz start-ntpd[2450]: Warning: /etc/localtime not found or not readable
Out 12 18:35:13 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Stopping NTP Server Daemon...
Out 12 18:35:13 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Stopped NTP Server Daemon.
Out 12 18:38:03 linux-7vcz systemd[1]: Stopped NTP Server Daemon.
linux-7vcz:/home/sergio # date
Qua Out 12 18:39:12 UTC 2016
linux-7vcz:/home/sergio # timedatectl
Local time: Qua 2016-10-12 18:41:59 UTC
Universal time: Qua 2016-10-12 18:41:59 UTC
RTC time: Qua 2016-10-12 18:41:59
Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo (UTC, +0000)
NTP enabled: yes
NTP synchronized: no
RTC in local TZ: yes
Warning: The RTC is configured to maintain time in the local timezone. This
mode is not fully supported and will create various problems with time
zone changes and daylight saving adjustments. If at all possible use
RTC in UTC, by calling 'timedatectl set-local-rtc 0'.
linux-7vcz:/home/sergio #
Now I must permanently disable using the command run “sudo systemctl disable ntpd”. ?
No! Disabling the NTP daemon was only for diagnostic purposes.
YaST → System → Date and Time
As well as setting thelocal Timezone to Brasil/São Paulo
Also set Hardware Clock Set to UTC
If you also boot your computer in to a very old version of Microsoft Windows, then you must tell us. It took Microsoft more than 20 years to learn about the Internet.
// I never use Microsoft Windows.//My NoteBook has only OpenSuse.//I’ve tried to set the local Timezone to Brasil/São Paulo and set Hardware Clock Set to UTC, but the problem persists.//So, I did not understand what should I do now to solve the problem of time.
This does not tell us anything when you say “I have tried to set …” when you do not explain exactly what you did. E.g. trying by staring to the keyboard will not help. We must know what you did else we can not correct you.
I quit this thread and whish all those who think they can help without sufficient information all the best.
One more thing: the format of the “/etc/adjtime” file is described in the ‘hwclock’ man page:
The adjtime file, while named for its historical purpose of controlling adjustments only, actually contains other information for use by hwclock in remembering information from one invocation to the next.
The format of the adjtime file is, in ASCII:
Line 1: 3 numbers, separated by blanks: 1) systematic drift rate in seconds per day, floating point decimal; 2) Resulting number of seconds since 1969 UTC of most recent adjustment or calibration, decimal integer; 3) zero (for compatibility with clock(8)) as a decimal integer.
Line 2: 1 number: Resulting number of seconds since 1969 UTC of most recent calibration. Zero if there has been no calibration yet or it is known that any previous calibration is moot (for example, because the Hardware Clock has been found, since that calibration, not to contain a valid time). This is a decimal integer.
Line 3: “UTC” or “LOCAL”. Tells whether the Hardware Clock is set to Coordinated Universal Time or local time. You can always override this value with options on the hwclock command line.
So it is indeed caused by the NTP daemon.
You can disable it if you don’t want to have your clock being adjusted automatically, either by the command given before, or in YaST.
Or we can try to fix the actual problem.
It seems to be that the timezone is actually not set:
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz start-ntpd[2450]: Starting network time protocol daemon (NTPD)
Out 12 09:43:47 linux-7vcz start-ntpd[2450]: Warning: /etc/localtime not found or not readable
i.e. /etc/localtime (which should point to the system time zone) doesn’t exist or is broken.
Setting the timezone in YaST->System->Date and Time should fix that.
And as already suggested, it is preferred to have the hardware clock in UTC, especially if you are not using Windows.
There’s a switch for that too in YaST.
Sorry, but I do not know what exactly you want me to do.
I think making a video of the movements that I change a simple computer date is somewhat exaggerated.
Everyone knows that we can set the date and time settings using YaST or by clicking on the clock icon on the taskbar.
Since there Nothing happened different from the usual, I thought was useless detail how I did the settings.
I’m saying this to you with all due respect that you deserve, because I know that I need your help