hey all i have my opensuse box connected to the domain at work and need to add my domain account to the vboxusers group but since its not a local account i havent been able to figure it out, anyone got any ideas i can try?
I assume at work they are implementing network authentication and security using something like AD or LDAP, and you are logging in to your network while at work.
These are standard options whenever you need to access corporate resources on the network. Assumes the network resource isn’t located on the edge of the LAN and exposed publicly.
- If you are working on a portable machine like a laptop, then login with the same network credentials as at work. You should have cached credentials on your portable until they expire.
2 If necessary and permitted, configure a VPN, then join the Domain (network security)
- Configure the resource permissions to accept standalone (non-network security) permissions
this is a desktop and we use domain\username and password to login to any machine connected to the network
finally got it work make sure if your domain is in caps or all lower case thats how you do it, its been many years since i messed with linux and i forgot
Linux and *NIX based technologies should or are required to be case sensitive (like DNS, Host-based name resolution)
Windows only is case insensitive (like Windows only NetBIOS names). Windows can be weird, although ordinarily names might be case insensitive but every now and then even a Windows only service may be case sensitive.
When dealing with a mixture, you should rely on case sensitive naming.
how do i setup my VM to autostart at login in seamlessmode?
That depends on the HostOS.
Recommend start by Googling and then selecting a hit that matches your HostOS.
Plenty of articles describing how to configure starting a VBox Guest as a Windows Service.
If you can’t find a Linux solution that fits your needs, post back.
It shouldn’t be that difficult to create a script that invokes your Guest and invoke it in a systemd Unit file on boot.
my host os is opensuse