I hope that this is the correct sub-forum to ask this question.
I am used to having “Desktop” as one of the choices under “Places” - but it’s not showing on OpenSUSE 15.2.
Is there some way to add it? I use my desktop a lot for temporary (sometimes permanent) storage of files and for organizing them. (I also find I sometimes have difficulty copying or moving files to the desktop.)
If I open the Home folder (in Files), Desktop shows there. It doesn’t show in the window on the left side of the screen, however - where other folders like Documents are displayed.
I’ve done some more reading/digging, but cannot find out how to add folders to “Places”. Funny thing is that occasionally (while working and moving stuff around), Desktop would appear in the left side of Files… and I even had it show up under “Places” one time. I don’t know how that happened and it didn’t last more than an hour or so.
So, what happens if, you open a Terminal window – the “gnome-terminal” – and type either “ls -l” or, simply, “l”?
You could also type “pwd” – should output something like ‘/home/«User Name
»’ …
Further information here – <Shell basics | Start-Up | openSUSE Leap 15.5.
Please check the ownership and protections of the directories in your login directory – your “home” directory.
I didn’t see anything wrong using the command line - I’m the owner, permissions are as I’d set them up, and so on.
It’s something to do with the list in “Places”. I don’t know where to look, but I’d bet that there is a file with the different directories listed that show up under Places. I’d like to be able to modify that list - some of the directories shown there are ones I rarely use, and there are ones that aren’t showing (like Desktop) that I’d add if I knew where to look.
The GNOME Classic setup is controlled via GNOME Shell Extensions, normally it’s best to not tweak (or update) as they are customized for the ‘Classic’ look. Perhaps you have added some extensions?
They are all accessible via the GNOME Tweak Tool, or if you go to GNOME Shell Extensions and install the add in you can control/add extensions…
SOLVED - or at least a functional workaround found. The Gnome Extension “Desktop Folder” placed a permanent button on the top taskbar, allowing me to open the desktop in Files with a single click. It’s not under “Places”, but this will work for my needs.
Well, I’ve had one of those “Duh!” moments. I found out how to add folders to the Places menu. It’s simple. Take the folder you want to put there and drag it to the Places menu. A new item will open for you to drop it in. Then you can re-arrange it however you wish. I expected a more complicated method.