Adding apps to the openSUSE 11 DVD?

I was wondering, if I use ISO Master to add .rpm files to the standard openSUSE 11 DVD into the folder /suse/x86_64 (where all the packages are stored), will they be available in the DVD repo?

As in, if I put interesting_app_x86_64.rpm into that folder, (then saved it and burnt it to a new DVD of course), and I typed:

zypper in interesting_app_x86_64

…it would be found and installed from the DVD?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Probably not directly because the DVD contains an index of all the files on it for use by YaST. I presume you would have to edit or ensure the directory was updated to get it to work.

This should get you started :smiley: . . .

Creating YaST Installation Sources - openSUSE

openSUSE News » YaST Tools for Creating Installation Media and Appliances

YaST/Modules/Add-On Creator - openSUSE

Thanks for the replies, and those great links.

I’ll give those a go :).