adding another NIC card

I want to add a 2nd NIC to an existing install of 11.2 acting as a LAMP server to so that I can add an internal zone for firewall reasons. Will it just find the card when I start the computer?

Generally yes, but you need to configure it in YaST > Network Devices.

If you already have a separate broadband router/firewall, then your network interface is already internal, and adding a second NIC just complicates your network topology.

I do have an external router and I am passing port 80 to the existing NIS’s ip address and all works well but I am concerned. I enabled the the firewall and the NIC (eth0) is listed as an external zone and I have allowed HTTP Server, Samba Server, and Samba Client. From the local machine I can see the other computers on my network but not the local machine. From the other computers I can see this computer and access the Samba shares. I guess I am just concerned about security and why can’t I see this machine when browsing network shares. I could prior to starting the firewall.

See Swerdna’s advice in your other thread.