My problem is as follows:
My old hardware died on me, I replaced it and installed 11.1.
Due to the hardware failure my RAID array that originally existed out of 3 disks has the third one out of sync, thus effectively reducing it to a RAID5 with only 2 disks.
As you’ll surely agree… my data isn’t very safe at the moment and I’d like to add disk #3 to the raid array.
I can’t seem to find any option anywhere in yast to add a disk to an existing array. I was expecting an “Add” button in the third screenshot below (The other 2 are just there so hopefully you can get some information out of it on how to fix it)
It’s already set to a “OxFD Linux Raid” under the “File system ID” and that’s pretty much the only I can do with it… no option to add it to an existing array.
A lot of ppl would lose data with 1 disk failure so you were ahead of the game. But now you’re more than twice as likely to have a failure, as 2 disks must stay up, and similar models may start failing all together given similar usage. So you’re right to address it.
RAID5 basically sux…
RAID10 striping mirrored sets, just needs 1 disk more, and offers higher performance and resilience. You also do 1/2 the Read I/O to fix the volume.
should do the trick, and mdadm can give a lot of information, but I’ve no idea what to do with it.
So it would be awesome if someone with some expertise in this field could tell me whether it’s the right command or if I should do something else… else I guess I’ll just try it out as I got the time now to restore things if they get messed up.
That’s not it at least
raidhotadd /dev/md1 /dev/sdd1
bash: raidhotadd: command not found
So I got rather brave and performed the following command:
mdadm --add /dev/md1 /dev/sdd1
Which instantly replied with “mdadm: re-added /dev/sdd1”.
And now I’m hearing the disks perform some read/write actions while the computer is idling… so my guess is that it’s working and I’ll just have to wait till it’s done. I’ll post again when it’s done to let you know what happened…