I’ve tried to change the resolution of the Plymouth boot animation to 1920x1080, as it currently has a very low resolution and therefore the animation is abnormally large.
I found a workaround that almost fixed it (see here), but Opensuse neither has the v86d package nor can I set the initramfs module as described.
I have an AMD Ryzen 5 2400G processor and use the iGPU.
However, if I simply add the line to the grub configuration, the resolution is correct, but I get an error: “VGACON disabled amdgpu kernel mode setting” and Plymouth is not displayed, instead I only have a greenish screen which I also saw when I installed the proprietary drivers from Nvidia on another system and could “fix” it with the help of this guide.
So maybe this could work for amdgpu drivers, too, but unfortunately I’m not that “deep” in kernel/driver stuff and don’t know exactly what to do for it, so I ask here.
Another solution that might work I found here.
Maybe it would be enough to add the amdgpu drivers to initramf’s state to KMS, but since OpenSUSE uses dracut, the specified file doesn’t exist and I’m not sure which file corresponds to the one specified in the solution.
Maybe that could solve the problem, but as I said, I’m not sure.
So does anyone know how to add amdgpu as KMS-module to initramfs at boot stage?
It also describes a generic way for you to compile the video driver into initramfs.
I didn’t notice anything that should conflict with dracut, but I haven’t delved deeply into dracut…
I want to change the Plymouth bootanimation at start up.
That also does work, when I add a “nomodeset” option in the grub configuration.
But that disables the amdgpu drivers at boot, so I don’t see a boot animation, but a greenish screen.
Therefore, I can’t use that method.
But, according to the German Arch Wiki, making the kernel load the amdgpu driver (as it is a KMS-module) lets me change the resolution of Plymouth.
You can find that Wiki post here, I’ll translate it for you below:
"Early activation of KMS
In order for the screen resolution to be set as early as possible, the necessary modules and files must be added to the initramfs image. To do this, the line MODULES in the file /etc/mkinitcpio.conf must be changed:
Afterwards the image has to be recreated.
mkinitcpio -p linux"
I hope now you get, what I want to do, I apologize, if I haven’t made myself clear.
Thanks, it seems like that worked, I could add the module, but I didn’t have that module when building initramfs (shall I send the log of dracut) and it’s still a very low resolution after the grub menu (when Plymouth is displayed) or alternatively, I have that geenish screen with “nomodeset” option in my grub config.
Shall I maybe share it?
I don’t know, what I could try else to just change that stupid resolution of Plymouth…