Add application in "library" used by Krunner


I had to install Eclipse 3.5 without using Yast or zypper because i) version 3.5 is not packaged yet and ii) I needed 3.5 to work with a specific eclipse plug-in.
The installation was a simple uncompression of an tar.gz archive. Now I would like to start eclipse from Krunner but it does not seem to know anything about my install (as expected!). My 2 attempts to make Krunner aware of my eclipse install did not work. What I have tried was:

  • add an alias in my .bashrc file
  • add a $PATH call to the eclipse directory in my .bashrc

Any recommendation will be welcome.



When you want us to check if you did correct, pleae do not tell things like

  • add an alias in my .bashrc file
  • add a $PATH call to the eclipse directory in my .bashrc

but show what yoou did. Like:
I added

alias .....

at the end of my .bashrc and what you did with PATH. Specialy the statement about "“adding a PATH call to a directory” is a bit cryptic.

I’d add an entry in KMenu.


…then do:

kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental

[As user]

Hi gropiuskalle,

Your suggestion worked. Thanks a bunch!


NB: sorry hcw if my post was cryptic…

Nice it worked. Enjoy!