Actually what is a VBOX?

Well I like to go into VBOX what is and how can I use it?.
Please is few of you can me explain me please or direct me where can I find a thread.:slight_smile:



Virtual Box
Is a Virtual Machine. You can install other OS inside a VM. Like winxp

VirtualBox Installation - openSUSE

or with usb support

That is my next project I like that and I believe suse is 100% the right for that?:\

  • 1michael1 wrote, On 04/06/2009 10:36 PM:
    > Well I like to go into VBOX what is and how can I use it?.
    > Please is few of you can me explain me please or direct me where can I
    > find a thread.:slight_smile:

It is an ISDN phone answering machine on Linux.


Yes, vbox is an ISDN phone answering software for Linux systems.

But, more people are familiar with VirtualBox and I have seen a lot of people referring to VirtualBox as VBox (with or without knowing the existence of vbox).

Maybe Mike can enlighten us.

There I go just assuming. I always refer to Virtual Box as VBox

That is a short cut of VBOXrotfl!rotfl!