Activists rally troops against proposed EU 'Net regulations

As the EU’s major telecoms reform package makes its way through the European Commission, agreement is getting harder to come by, and groups that advocate in favor of unfettered consumer access are mobilizing opposition.

Activists rally troops against proposed EU 'Net regulations - Ars Technica

I find such censorships proposals in Europe unacceptable! Yesterday, I sent a ****load of mails to various ministers asking them to vote FOR amendment 138 (now renumbered 46) and even got a reply from one of the Bulgarian ministers who’s FOR this amendment… here’s his reply to my mail

Dear Sir,

First of all, I would like to thank you for expressing your citizen position on such an important issue as the Telecom package. In this respect I would liike to assure you that I will vote FOR Amendment 138 (currently Amendment 46).

Best Regards,

Atanas Paparizov

So far, only one of them has replied to my mail but I hope I made a difference…


nice to see others also doing something instead of just sitting back and complaining or watching all the time , also another good site to mention with more information is here :

Blackout Europe | Home

yes, I’m aware of this site. I also wonder why there is so little noise on the Internet about this thing. If you consider how ugly and bad it is if this would happen in Europe, one has to wonder where all the vocal supporters of free information exchange are hiding… Bunch of hypocrites!