I’m running openSUSE 11.2, KDE, acroread 9.
I have a .pdf file that needs to be send to remote location (https), at submit it gets stuck reporting back the following:
SSL Error!!!. Please install the CA Certificate(s) for SSL communication.
If certificate resides on local disk, try “acroread -installCertificate -PEM|-DER] [pathname]” on the command line.
If certificate resides on the server, try “acroread -installCertificate <secure_website_URL> <port-number>” on command line.
SSL Error!!!. Please install the CA Certificate(s) for SSL communication.
I have used “acroread -installCertificate some.examplewebsite.org 443” as root, downloaded the cert, and install it, however it seems I can’t find the cert.
Also done “ls –lrt ~/.adobe/Acrobat/9.0/Cert/” as root by not working.
Is there a solution to above or I need to use some other PDF editor? Which one?
Thank you