Acroread - "SSL Error!!!"


I’m running openSUSE 11.2, KDE, acroread 9.
I have a .pdf file that needs to be send to remote location (https), at submit it gets stuck reporting back the following:

SSL Error!!!. Please install the CA Certificate(s) for SSL communication.
If certificate resides on local disk, try “acroread -installCertificate -PEM|-DER] [pathname]” on the command line.
If certificate resides on the server, try “acroread -installCertificate <secure_website_URL> <port-number>” on command line.
SSL Error!!!. Please install the CA Certificate(s) for SSL communication.

I have used “acroread -installCertificate 443” as root, downloaded the cert, and install it, however it seems I can’t find the cert.
Also done “ls –lrt ~/.adobe/Acrobat/9.0/Cert/” as root by not working.

Is there a solution to above or I need to use some other PDF editor? Which one?

Thank you :slight_smile:

My guess is that since you installed the cert as root, it is probably installed in root’s home folder. Try installing the cert as your own userid.


yes it was in root folder, thank you for your help. :slight_smile: