Acestream via Snap

Estoy actualizando mis PCs a Opensuse 15.3 KDE (15.2 caducó en diciembre), actualizo vía USB y luego instalo todo lo necesario.
Tengo un problema con Acestream instalado vía Snap, sigo esta guía para instalarlo:

Solo cambio la versión del repo, de 15.2 a 15.3, en 15.2 funcionaba perfecto.

El problema que tengo es muy curioso (al menos para mi).
Arranco los PCs, uno con placa asus+i7+nvidia con driver privativo y un Intel Nuc con un i5+gráficos Intel y en los dos al ejecutar Acestream tengo este error:

daltcorda@localhost:~> acestreamplayer
realpath: /dades/dades/Documents: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Escriptori: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Baixades: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Música: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Imatges: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Vídeos: No such file or directory
elapsed time:  0.040212325

Use the command 'acestreamplayer --help' for more information
If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer -vvv' and see the file /home/daltcorda/snap/acestreamplayer/common/debug/debug.log

Use the command 'acestreamplayer.engine --help' for more information
If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer.engine --client-console' and see the file /home/daltcorda/snap/acestreamplayer/12/.ACEStream/logs/acestream.log

Use the command 'acestreamplayer.mpv --help' for more information

Wayland issue. Temporarily switch to using the Xorg display server.

Engine (3.1.49) run with options: --client-gtk
The Engine is still starting and is not ready to serve our requests
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keysh: 1: /bin/netstat: not found
sh: 1: /sbin/ifconfig: not found
The Еngine is ready to serve our requests
Player ( run with options:
--no-ts-trust-pcr --ts-seek-percent --file-caching=10000 --network-caching=10000 --clock-synchro=0
VLC media player Ace Stream (revision 2.2.8-13-g91767ab)
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyxcb_connection_has_error() returned true
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key[0000000001360c58] core interface error: no suitable interface module
[00000000012917b8] core libvlc error: interface "globalhotkeys,none" initialization failed
[00000000012917b8] core libvlc: S'està executant el VLC amb la interfície per defecte. Feu servir «cvlc» per utilitzar el VLC sense interfície.
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key[00000000013b7588] qt4 interface error: Could not connect to X server
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key[00000000013b7588] skins2 interface error: cannot initialize OSFactory
[00000000013b7588] [cli] lua interface: Listening on host "*console".
VLC media player Ace Stream
Command Line Interface initialized. Type `help' for help.
> ^C[00000000013b7588] [cli] lua interface error: Error loading script /snap/acestreamplayer/12/usr/lib/acestreamplayer/lua/intf/cli.luac: ...amplayer-2.2/vlc-2.2/share/lua/intf/modules/host.lua:279: Interrupted.

No se abre el player pero el AceStreamEngine si que funciona y descarga y envia datos.
Luego, sin reiniciar salgo de la sesión, vuelvo a entrar y funciona todo perfectamente, tanto el Ace Player HD como Ace MPV, los enlaces des del navegador, etc.

daltcorda@localhost:~> acestreamplayer
realpath: /dades/dades/Documents: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Escriptori: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Baixades: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Música: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Imatges: No such file or directory
realpath: /dades/dades/Vídeos: No such file or directory
elapsed time:  0.037380983

Use the command 'acestreamplayer --help' for more information
If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer -vvv' and see the file /home/daltcorda/snap/acestreamplayer/common/debug/debug.log

Use the command 'acestreamplayer.engine --help' for more information
If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer.engine --client-console' and see the file /home/daltcorda/snap/acestreamplayer/12/.ACEStream/logs/acestream.log

Use the command 'acestreamplayer.mpv --help' for more information

Wayland issue. Temporarily switch to using the Xorg display server.

Engine (3.1.49) run with options: --client-gtk
The Engine is still starting and is not ready to serve our requests
sh: 1: /bin/netstat: not found
sh: 1: /sbin/ifconfig: not found
The Еngine is ready to serve our requests
Player ( run with options:
--no-ts-trust-pcr --ts-seek-percent --file-caching=10000 --network-caching=10000 --clock-synchro=0
VLC media player Ace Stream (revision 2.2.8-13-g91767ab)
[000000000130b7b8] core libvlc: S'està executant el VLC amb la interfície per defecte. Feu servir «cvlc» per utilitzar el VLC sense interfície.

Utilizo en los dos PCs KDE-Plasma sin Wayland y me pasa siempre.


Por lo que cuentas y por los mensajes de error, tiene pinta de que no se hay conexión con el servidor Xorg y la libreria de VLC, fíjate en los mensajes de Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1

Hola Diablo, gracias por la respuesta.
Creo que ya he dado con la tecla, me ha dado alguna idea leer este post:

Por probar, he cambiado el hostmane en el i7 y también en una instalación con Virtualbox donde tenia el mismo error y parece ser que se ha solucionado.

daltcorda@localhost:~> sudo hostnamectl set-hostname linux-dalt

He reiniciado y ya funciona. Después probare en el Nuc que no lo tengo accesible ahora.

daltcorda@linux-dalt:~> acestreamplayer

realpath: /dades/dades/Documents: No such file or directory

realpath: /dades/dades/Escriptori: No such file or directory

realpath: /dades/dades/Baixades: No such file or directory

realpath: /dades/dades/Música: No such file or directory

realpath: /dades/dades/Imatges: No such file or directory

realpath: /dades/dades/Vídeos: No such file or directory

elapsed time:  0.038974192

Use the command 'acestreamplayer --help' for more information

If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer -vvv' and see the file /home/daltcorda/snap/acestreamplayer/common/debug/debug.log

Use the command 'acestreamplayer.engine --help' for more information

If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer.engine --client-console' and see the file /home/daltcorda/snap/acestreamplayer/12/.ACEStream/logs/acestream.log

Use the command 'acestreamplayer.mpv --help' for more information

Wayland issue. Temporarily switch to using the Xorg display server.

Engine (3.1.49) run with options: --client-gtk

The Engine is still starting and is not ready to serve our requests

sh: 1: /bin/netstat: not found

sh: 1: /sbin/ifconfig: not found

The Еngine is ready to serve our requests

Player ( run with options:

--no-ts-trust-pcr --ts-seek-percent --file-caching=10000 --network-caching=10000 --clock-synchro=0

VLC media player Ace Stream (revision 2.2.8-13-g91767ab)

**0000000001ce67b8**] core libvlc: **S'està executant el VLC amb la interfície per defecte. Feu servir «cvlc» per utilitzar el VLC sense interfície.**

En anteriores versiones de Opensuse el hostname te lo asignaba aleatoriamente (ejemplo:usuario@linux-a1bk) y con yast lo podias cambiar, en esta versión, en todos los equipos que la he instalado el hostname es “localhost” y en Yast está la casilla vacia.
