Accessing Package manager Failed

Hi all,

Using 11.0 64bit OpenSuse.

I was updating this workstation. Everything was working good.

I rebooted from the last set of updates and now I am trying to access the Package Manager from yast, but it is not working now. It starts up, then it goes to an “Initializing”, then a popup says that “Accessing the Package Manager Failed”. It also notes that something else is using the package manager, then gives me choice to either continue or retry.

I tried rebuilding “rpm --rebuilddb” but it did not work.

What can I do?



If the updater applet is enabled and is running in the tray, quit it. Wait and try again. Or right click it, configure it not to start at boot, then reboot and try the Package Manager.

Awesome, thanks for your response, Caf,

That fixed it.


No problem friend;)