Absolute Beginner: How do I make a live USB to install OpenSuse 11.3?

Hi, I tried following this page for instructions on how to make a LIVE USB to install OpenSuse 11.3 on my Netbook: SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE

However, I’m stuck on Step #5.

I’m using the Windows app and I cannot select any of the Images I downloaded from opensuse downloads page because they are all ISO files. The SUSE Studio Image Writer demands RAW files. What do I do here?

P.S. I tried to find this program while running suse in a virtual machine on my Windows 7 desktop. But I have no clue how to use YAST, and tried all the searching options I could visually see but it did not find “imagewriter” anywhere. So I’m totally stumped!


You could try “the hard way”, which isn’t really that hard.
I am unfamiliar with the “imagewriter” method.

If you want to use imagewriter from openSUSE, must first install it
using: zypper install imagewriter.


See SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE

But also make sure you read the information for new users on this site as well.

To enable iso files to be seen, type


in the file name box and press enter.

When you say you get stuck on step 5, I take it that you mean imagewriter wants a .raw file.
If the above post doesn’t help, you could try renaming the .iso to .raw and trying.
Personally, I would scroll down the sdb article and use the dd for windows to crate the live usb stick.

Take a look here: Dorien Herremans: How to install OpenSuse 11.3 on an HP TC1100 tablet

I got it to work by renaming .iso to .raw, the image writer saw the file “openSUSE-11.3-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.raw” and I began the copy, booted in my netbook on problem :slight_smile:

good show.

I’ve been pulling hairs at attempting to try out OpenSUSE on live USB flash stick and I’d just like to confirm that combining this “hard way” instruction on wiki](http://http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Live_USB_stick#Linux_instructions) and this method of renaming the .iso file to .raw WORKS for me too.I highly suggest that someone update the wiki after some more confirmed tests?

question…how come when i use image writer it doesnt detect my usb? the usb is workin fine and all the pc detect it but the image writer just doesnt detect it…