abrtd (or similar) for OpenSuse?

I recently became aware of abrtd, which is a Fedora project that looks quite interesting.

Abrtd is a deamon which collects core dumps and other related information and assembles a bug report which can be submitted, shared, etc.

The basic features are outlined here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ABRT

And some screen shots of how the user interacts with it are here: https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki/AbrtBasicFunctionality

This seems like a tool that would help Suse users as well. Though we have debug documentation (such as openSUSE:Bugreport application crashed - openSUSE ), an application to help users easily collect, view and submit crash reports could be very useful. The KDE crash reporter is fine, but of course is more limited in scope that abrtd, which can monitor any binary, and is being designed with a pluginable architecture, etc.

(I found one OBS repo for abrtd which was incomplete.)

Does anyone know if there are plans in incorporate abrtd in OpenSuse, or is there already a similar tool I may be unaware of? Perhaps this should be an OpenFate request.

Lews Therin

On 09/02/2011 03:16 PM, LewsTherinTelemon wrote:
> Does anyone know if there are plans in incorporate abrtd in OpenSuse,
> or is there already a similar tool I may be unaware of?

i think i remember that this year’s Google’s Summer of Code input from
openSUSE included a guy (or gal) doing some coding to ‘automate’
openSUSE bug reporting…maybe…

i’m not in the mood this second to seek it…but you may…never mind (i
had to make sure i had not dreamed it), see here:

hmmmmmm…but, i do not know where the rest of the project went, or
stands… (google hunt it!)

url=http://dilbert.com/strips/2011-08-31/smart Dilbert

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the link. It looks like the Github project is there there, it was just mistyped in the mailing list post. The correct repo name is:


I’ll look into it. The abrtd project appears to be a good measure further along, but the suse_bug_reporter project shows current commits. I’ll contact the author and check it out!
