Sir Debian OS provides more desktops and editors to the users but it’s package management subsystem is very inferior so is it possible to install all the desktops available in Debian OS and if possible directly install the packages available in Debian DVD’s. If so please suggest the procedure.
YaSt > Software > Software management. Then, from the View menu choose Patterns. Scroll down to Graphical environments (or how it is called). There you can check LXDE, Gnome, KDE and XFCE for installation (at least one of them was already installed by you during installation I guess).
When it is just about a specific application (you mention editor), just seach for it in the Search field of YaST Software management. If it is there, you can install it. Most applications, even if they come with a specific desktop, will also run on other desktops. But they may install al lot of dependancies with them
For some people, a desktop is only an underlying tool to get work done. When the desktop half way does what is needed, they get used to it and forget about it. Any change is an unasked for interuption in the routine of the work to be done.
For others, desktops are the work to be done. To be compared, to be tested.
We need both types of people.
(But I admit that making a consumers test about 25 desktops is a huge task)
On 2013-07-14 12:16, hcvv wrote:
> For some people, a desktop is only an underlying tool to get work done.
> When they half way do what is needed, they get used to it and forget
> about it. Any change is an unasked for interuption in the routine of the
> work to be done.
I’m one of those
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)