Hi, I was running Leap 42.3 on my Raspberry Pi 3B. Replaced it with a Raspberry 3 Plus and can no longer boot. Looked at Leap 15 but I see there is no aarch64 distro. Is there going to be one? How can I help?
Hi, I was running Leap 42.3 on my Raspberry Pi 3B. Replaced it with a Raspberry 3 Plus and can no longer boot. Looked at Leap 15 but I see there is no aarch64 distro. Is there going to be one? How can I help?
I’ve been waiting for aarch64 Leap 15, too: your note is helpful in confirming that I haven’t missed it. The following won’t solve your (our) problem, but I’ve got a little more information.
I’ve been running both openSUSE aarch64 Leap 42.3 and aarch64 Tumbleweed on a Pi 3B. I received my 3B+ yesterday and started testing with the µSD cards with my working openSUSE distros today. (I tested with Raspbian and used it to enable USB booting: my 3B+ boots Raspbian just fine.)
I started testing by updating openSUSE on both µSD’s to whatever is current (4.4.132-53 on Leap 42.3; 4.16.6-1 on TW).
When I try to boot with Leap, it shows no signs of life (except the blinking red light; I haven’t checked, but I think the pattern says it can’t find a compatible boot file).
However, Tumbleweed does boot (I have it set to boot to a command line). I can log in and execute various commands. But if I try anything that touches the network, it freezes. The router hasn’t handed out a DHCP address for either ETH0 or WLAN0, so it seems that TW doesn’t yet know about the network hardware on the 3B+. Not a surprise: just a confirmation. Additionally:
So a couple of take-aways (I hope):
I’ll follow up later if subsequent updates address any of the problems with TW. But I’d also be interested if you learn anything more about Leap 15/aarch64/Pi3B+ support.
found and image here http://download.opensuse.org/ports/aarch64/distribution/leap/15.0/appliances/
Thanks, Ray! I hadn’t checked there in a couple of days and was just getting ready to go there! Downloading now.