a way to change Skype font without changing KDE fonts

Hi folks!

Do you know a way to change Skype default font size without changing the default fonts in KDE through KDE Control Centre? I know about “qtconfig” but it does not work in SUSE 11.1 and later (11.2 also, of course). I filed a bug about the “qtconfig” problem but it seems that this is the new way fonts are changed in all applications in SUSE - only by a centralized way - through KDE Control Centre…

…“I know about “qtconfig” but it does not work in SUSE 11.1”…

Why, it does. I did. I changed font size through qtconfig.

But with QTconfig 4.4.3

  1. Flawless Web-browsing (all details connected to browsing)
  2. Flawless video playing
  3. Flawless music playing
  4. Flawless chat clients (perfect emulation of Skype Windows version, MSN)
    If that is guaranteed, all the many MS-people will follow Linux.

As if MS-people have this…
@1: The leaks in IE are no flaws? Meant to be that way?
@2: Tried something other then wmv / avi in Media Player?
@3: Ever tried FLACs in Media Player?
@4: Do not use MSN !!! Or never speak about security again. Speak to the Skype developpers. Skype has nothing to do with MS, they simply leave linux users with a less featured version.

I just like to state you’re asking for guarantees that MS has never been able to deliver.

Thanks for the reply,nimnull22! However, the situation is different with 4.5.3…

Off-topic: Knurpht, if you want to share your views with me about MS vs. Linux thing, I’ll be glad to leave me a personal message.

I start to feel less and less wish to change 11.1 to 11.2. Thanks.

Going off topic a bit. Try reading this Why I hate Microsoft I researched every claim, and validated them. Quite a few were verified by Microsoft publications.

I am running Qt 4.6.0 and qtconfig does work. I also run skype

nimnull22, it’s just the QT thing… which I’m pretty sure that it’s a resolvable and minor issue. I strongly recommend you to upgrade. KDE and GNOME in 11.2 are very polished, especially the KDE 4.3.1! I have recently made some tests (three days ago) concerning archiving times. I used the same folder (roughly around 700 MB) to compress and the same compression level (ext4 file-system in use).

The results:

SUSE 11.2rc2 x86_64 -…1 min and 2 seconds
Gentoo amd64 (the stable branch) -…1 min and 0 seconds
Fedora 12 beta x86_64 -…1 min and 17 sec
Ubuntu 9.10 amd64 -…1 min and 23 sec
Windows XP sp3 32-bit -…1 min 26 sec

Jonathan_R, that’s great, thanks for the information. As far as I know 11.2 will ship with 4.5. How did you upgrade to 4.6 (is there repository for QT libraries in OBS)?

Yes, there is OBS for the 4.6 version of QT for 11.2. (And it is: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Qt46/openSUSE_11.2/ )
However, ‘qtconfig’ does not change the fonts again. And the errors in the console are all the same (as in ver. 4.5.3):

miro@linux-v3mq:~> qtconfig
QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on a null pixmap
QPainter::setRenderHint: Painter must be active to set rendering hints
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
QPainter::setBrush: Painter not active
QPainter::setBrush: Painter not active
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted

‘qtconfig’ starts but it does not apply any changes.

The only difference is that now it can change the GUI Style.

@everybody: I just wanted to show what MS people are accepting from MS. There’s enough threads on linux vs. MS, that’s not what i wanted to start.