hello everybody!
i have just installed openSUSE 11.4 , and i am very new to linux world.
i wanna know ho to connect to internet via ADSL,and wireless.
i am writing all these frome windows lol!
We need some more information from you.
- wich desktop ?
- Do you have a Network Manager applet in the system tray? If not, use YaST =>Network Devices => Network Settings. Under the “Global Options” tab, click on the “User Controlled with Network Manager” button. If it is already set, you will get a warning box when “Network Settings” starts.
- Now you should see the NM applet in the tray. Click on it and check the popup. If the “Enable Wireless” checkbox is inactive (gray), there are several possibilities.
- Open a terminal and provide this information :
/usr/sbin/hwinfo --network
hi hadi0x7c7
i was assuming that you were dual booting ( then i looked up your posts )
so win7
some more info like what wireless ?
a laptop or desktop ?
a wireless home router? or a usb dongle ?
ok from reading your other posts – it is a laptop ( would be nice to know in THIS post)
- so i am guessing a dongle
so on this laptop are you using the KDE desktop ? or Gnome ?