Hello everyone,
I got dual system: win7 and openSUSE, but my openSUSE got some problem
so I decide to reinstall it. I want to allocate more space from windows to openSUSE. Here is what I did:
I delete 15GB space in windows for openSUSE. I have had 13GB for the old openSUSE. When I insert the DVD and reinstall openSUSE, I can just use the old 13GB space(I delete it before I reinstall), but I can not use the new 15GB free space(I even can not see it at the partition table).
What’s the problem?
If I delete the old openSUSE system in windows7 partition table and then reinstall openSUSE, will this disable dual booting(I can not boot the windows system anymore)?
Hello and welcome.
Without having a detailed idea of your partition arrangement it’s going to be a difficult to comment. Can you get to a
console? If so, please output the results of the following…
fdisk -l
… inside code tags iconified by octothorpes in the forum toolbar.
Before making changes in sizes in partitions, I strongly recommend you defragment all your Windows partitions within
Windows, backup all your data, and make sure you have a Windows repair disk ready if/when things go wrong.
On 2013-05-01, wuqisheng1991 <wuqisheng1991@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> If I delete the old openSUSE system in windows7 partition table and then
> reinstall openSUSE, will this disable dual booting(I can not boot the
> windows system anymore)?
If you delete openSUSE + GRUB1/2, then yes Windows would no longer be bootable unless you fix the MBR and flag the
Windows Partition as active using the Windows repair/installation disk. It is possible that reinstalling openSUSE
will allow to reboot in Windows but I would not guarantee it. If you want to reinstall, I would first remove all Linux
partitions, fix Windows, then start afresh installing openSUSE.
Thanks for your reply, this is what i did:
I deleted the root partition, /home partition and swap area in windows 7 disk management. But I did not delete the /boot partion(I mount the /boot indepedently, about 200MB in my old openSUSE). Then I reinstalled openSUSE from the DVD. I used the old boot partitin as the new one and reallocated free space to / , /home and swap area. The windows 7 system was not affected! It is amazing and I am replying using chrome in windows 7.
I think I have to go through to learn about openSUSE (of course and Linux) and avoid this kind of things happening again.
Thanks again!
Thanks for your reply,
I have reinstalled the openSUSE successfully without damaging the windows 7, as described at the reply to **flymail, **I will have a try to run the command
fdisk -l
and have a look at the output.
Thanks again.
Oh, sorry. I made a miatake. I just noticed that both the two reply were posted by you. Thank you again, flymail.