A major issue with initial install

I have upgraded two of my computers without problem. It is the the initial install that has problems.

I run a simple screen with fvwm on, x11 and use terms and emacs with no widgets etci cannot see how to install this. I know it can be done because of the upgraded machines…

Al I get is a screen with coloured strips and sometimes a console window. How do igetig to start my usual interface?

CPU/GPU? How installed exactly?? Uou have not told us much

Are you booting by default into a terminal and wish to boot into your desktop environment?
In the installer, you can select it to boot into a tty interfece manualy but it is by default going to drop you into a window manager.
if you are in a terminal, you can type: StartX to start your x server which will drop you into a graphical environment if it is installed andd you do not encounter errors.
Follow this guide to change wether you boot into a terminal or desktop environment by default:
note: I have not tested this guide but it appears to be legit

Yes, it seems to be OK.

Those sections are in the “Boot problems” chapter of the openSUSE Startup Guide – <https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/startup/html/book-startup/index.html>.

Many apologies for my mistakes. It seemed all I needed to do as reboot. I have the installation almost finished, just a problem with audio to fix.

Thank you all for your patience.