A lot of mesa downgrades on zypper dup?

I’m running Tumbleweed and trying to do a system upgrade, and am getting a lot of mesa downgrades which is new to me. I don’t think I can ever remember these being downgraded like this. Is this normal and okay? Maybe a conflict with something else I should just wait on? Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

Screenshot included.

While I can’t say 100% in this specific case… yes, this is normal.

Please, show the output of the three following commands:

zypper repos --details

LANG=C zypper search --installed-only --details mesa

LANG=C sudo zypper dist-upgrade --details --dry-run | susepaste -e 151200
Answer no to the proceeding with installation question.

screenshot of the first two commands below. The third command asked for root, which I provided, but then sat at a blank line and never did anything so I did the graceful exit …

Mesa from Packman got downgraded from 24.1.4 to 24.1.3 so this is likely the downgrade you are witnessing if you have not upgraded for a week or so…

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Reduce the priority value of Packman repository to something lower than default, like 70.
By the way, if your system is using mesa from Packman, seems like the current version there is 24.1.3.

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okay thank you! I suppose I’ll just wait until there’s an upgrade so I don’t have to downgrade.

Repo priority is effective only on new install; on upgrade a “vendor stickiness” applies, so if you have packages from Packman you upgrade from Packman anyway.
(Just for the record, to avoid misguiding others that might read this thread).


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