A Gnome Backups question: Restoring data from Tumbleweed Gnome to Gnome Leap 42.1.

Hello folks!

I’ve been using Tumbleweed as my primary OS with much success, but after the last Tumbleweed update from Gnome 3.18 to 3.20, I lost some Gnome Extension functionality and I decided that I needed/wanted some stability. I have been using Gnome Backups to back up my files in Tumbleweed and wonder if it is possible to do a full restore from Tumbleweed to Leap?

My concern is bringing in a bunch of cruft with my files onto my new system. Is it a simple process to transfer from one to the other? I kept Backups at the default settings and opted not to Save my Download folder.

Incidentally, I will still be using Tumbleweed to a separate partition, so I suppose I could restore back to Tumbleweed and then mount it from Leap and drag it all over, but I was hoping that I could just use the App.

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?


Well, I decided to try it and I found that when I performed my original backup I saved way more than I needed from my home folder. That included many of my hidden files and configs. This really created havoc with my new install, but didn’t bork it.
Gnome Backup (deja-dup) can be fine tuned and I needlessly restored way more than I needed.

Lesson learned. :slight_smile: