3-G Modem in 11.2

Hi all,

I am running a 3-G wireless USB broadband modem, and connecting with Network Manager, but I keep getting disconnected when idle after 5-6 minutes.

I am used to using Kinternet to connect with my 3-G wireless USB broadband modem, and setting it up in Yast / Network / Modems, but was not able to configure my modem there (for some mysterious reason) so ended up using Network Manager instead.

While far from ideal, I can deal with this for now. Of course if anyone has figured out what’s going on here regarding YAST being unable to configure my modem (even when Network Manger is disabled) I’m all ears.

But my main problem at this point is that my connection times out after about 6 minutes if I’m idle. This is a big problem for me because I type slow and frequently get disconnected while posting on message boards.

So my question is, does anyone know where the idle time out settings are for Network Manager? I can’t seem to find them. Thanks in advance.

foresthill wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running a 3-G wireless USB broadband modem, and connecting with
> Network Manager, but I keep getting disconnected when idle after 5-6
> minutes.
> So my question is, does anyone know where the idle time out settings
> are for Network Manager? I can’t seem to find them. Thanks in advance.
The following info is found on our forums and should help:

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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 561
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Default Re: 3G Usb modem terminating connection due to lack of activ
What program are you using to connect?

There should be a setting for idle timeout, which is set for 600 seconds
(10 minutes) by default. Set it to zero and you will stay connected.<<

>>Old 02-Jan-2009

Default Re: NetworkManager and Verizon Wireless 3g card
gib62588 wrote:
> can’t set idle time delay disconnect so if idle it will
> disconnect , don’t like that .
I had the similar issue and eventually found that the default
idle 600 time-out is set by following config file:
Look for ‘idle 600’ (10Min) and replace with something more suitable,
e.g. 1800/3600.<<

Let Google be your friend.


If you are using networkmanager, edit the file /etc/ppp/options.
Otherwise, look at the provider file in /etc/sysconfig/network/providers/

OK, that helped, thanks.

Now on to figuring out why my modem is occasionally not detected by Network Manger and why YAST can’t configure it.