2GB update, hundreds of files, no problem

About 2 days ago I ran sudo zypper dup and it said there’s a roughly 2GB update available; hundreds of updated files with an updated kernel. I crossed my fingers and ran the update. It completed successfully and then I rebooted. Since then my system has been running fine, no issues that I can see.

As a tech noob, it’s amazing to me that hundreds of system files and the kernel can all be updated with no discernible problems. At least no problems so far. My hat’s off to all the devs keeping all those open source files updated and working and testing all of it. And all that work being freely offered to the community.


As this is not a request for help it will be moved from ‘Install/Boot/Login/’ to ‘Open Chat’. Nice to read good feedback though. :slight_smile:


@deano_ferrari Whoops. I should have posted it there. I’ll remember next time for this kind of comment. Thanks for moving it.

This is why I love openSUSE. They test things out via QA before releasing the updates. I’ve never had a single problem thus far.

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@kmullins0295 I’ve had 2 times when a TW update messed up my system. But, thanks to the GUI Btrfs tools and snapshots, I rolled back to a previous snapshot in about 3 minutes. Nice! As a tech noob, I LOVE the GUI Btrfs snapshot tools in TW. It’s the #1 reason I decided to switch to TW. I never have to worry about a corrupting update or app.

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Yesterday’s update 4600 rp out of a total of 5500 rp 45 minutes download and installation time, everything perfect