2 NVIDIA cards and 4 monitors

It took some time to get opensuse to understand and accept my two cards but I finally figured it out. That journey is in this post:

More than two monitors - Page 2 - openSUSE Forums

and resulted in this command:
sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia 1=nvidia -c 0 1

Now that I can get 4 monitors showing I need to get them to all working right.

The problem I am having is that I can set up 4 monitors in nvidia-config but I can’t in any way get sax2 to show anything but my first card in “Card and Monitor Properites”. And, when I setup for 4 monitors in nvidia-config then going into sax’s config, it just causes it to say “cannot remove all monitors…” and it removes all the settings for the 2nd card that nvidia-config setup.

Also, nvidia-config relies on sax for monitor settings and since sax doesn’t see the monitors on the 2nd card there are no settings. The result is that monitors 3 & 4 have screen resolutions of only 640x480.

Any help resolve this appreciated.

Have you tried to manually edit the xorg.conf file and add your
resolutions in?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 11:39, 1 user, load average: 0.19, 0.07, 0.07
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 177.82

I’ve looked at the file but without sax putting in the info. for the extra card I am not sure how to add in the information. And, I suspect that even if I do add them in because sax seems to not detect something right that it will probably just remove everything I add in next time I run it.

Having said that, if you have a sample of a 2 card config file, I’ll give it a try.

Nvidia/ATI boards? First see if the NVIdia Xserver Settings utility (or the ATI equivalent) do this for you. You have to log as root or it won’t be able to change the xorg.conf file.

By hand:

If your monitors are equal you already have the configuration in xorg.conf, just replicate the “Monitor” section and give a different Identifier to each, as in “Monitor[0]”, Monitor[1], etc.

You’ll have to do the same with the “Device” section, differentiating the boards by Identification ("Card0, “Card1”, etc.) and the BusID. That’s the tricky part, you’ll have to search a bit for how to do it for boards with two video outputs, I’ve only used single boards. Probably the Hardware info module in Yast will show you the BusId for each video.

And again with the “Screen” section, where you “attach” each monitor to it’s corresponding card.

Lastly you have to edit the “ServerLayout”, which is where the configuration you want is actually activated, all previous sections being descriptive only. For example, if you had this line in it:

Screen “Screen[0]”

it could change to:

Screen 0 “Screen[0]” 0 0
Screen 1 “Screen[1]” RightOf “Screen0”
Screen 2 “Screen[2]” Above “Screen0”
Screen 3 “Screen[3]” RightOf “Screen2”

Then make sure not to run sax2 again, or at least backup your xorg.conf file before you do.

It’s been a while since I did this, so you’ll certainly find more up-to-date ways. Do search OpenSUSE’s How-to site.

Thanks for this and I am following through on your advice.

This a note for other newbies like me who may come across this post.

Xorg. is a work in progress so if it doesn’t automatically setup things right, it’s okay, that’s going to happen on less common setups. You can go to the source for information X.Org Wiki - Home, or as I am finding, better to use the information on your own system:

man xorg - gives an overview and command line arguments for xorg.
man xorg.conf - give all details of the xorg.conf file which you will need to intelligently set it up manually.

This is for openSUSE 11.0.

So I finally got it working with 4 monitors.

I’ve added a link to another post where I posted the config file I ended up with.

One note, once I got it all going with NVIDIA I pretty much along the way discarded trying to make it work with Sax2.

Sax handles the file differently and it didn’t seem all that stable with that many monitors so I opted to only concern myself with NVIDIA.

One last note. NVIDIA has a lot of checks that can make it really hard to figure out why you are not getting the screen resolution want on some monitors, if like me, you have more complicated setup. In my case I have a video multiplexer switch and a KVM switch.

I found the way to debug the xorg.conf file in my circumstance was to literally take every command that limits modes through checking and turn off that checking - about 10-15 checks to disable. Now you can see warnings from your monitor and have a clue as to what to do.

My xorg.conf:
NVIDIA Xinerama compiz - almost there - openSUSE Forums