2 nics wlan0 eth0 default route?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.
I’ ve got a wireless card and an ethernet card. The ethernet connects to the home network. The wireless connects to the internet. I’m having trouble with 11.1 always setting the default route to eth0.

I installed 11.0 on this same box a couple times and was able to fix this after googling and reading the forums, but I have not been able to resolve this issue after installing 11.1.

I’d like to have the wlan0 card set the default route after I connect to a wireless gateway. That way I can still access the local network through eth0 and also access the internet through wlan0. I was able to do this earlier with 11.0, but cannot seem to figure it out at this point.

Anyway thanks again
and Happy Holidays from Colorado USA

You do not set the default route to any of your NICs. You set the default route to a router in one of the networks you are attached to. So set the the deafult router to the router in the wlan’s network (that is the router that connects to the Internet). The route TO this default router is determined automaticaly because it is in the same network (IP range) as the wlan NIC.

Default router can be set with YaST > Network Devicces > Network Card and then the routing tab. I repeat: do not fill in there the IP address of any of your NICs, but that of the router that is connected to the outside world.

Sure I understand. But I have not set anything in the routing tab and I don’t want to. I didn’t have to do this with 11.0…

Sometimes the IP of the gateway may be different depending on the wireless signal that I connect to. the router of the outside world may change.

The 11.1 Yast seems to look more like Yast -> Network Devices -> Network Settings. And then sure I could choose to configure in a default gateway, but I wasn’t having to do this with the previous version.

when I run /sbin/route -n after I ifconfig eth0 up it always then gives the default route to the ethernet cable. I’d like to have it not do this so I can continue to use the internet…

thanks for your response though,

When you do not set the default router yourself I suppose you use DHCP.

I am now a bit confused about how it looks like. Do you connect to both LANs at the same time? Does the home LAN have a router also (routing to what?)? Does the home LAN have a DHCP server?

In that case IMHO when eth0 is connected a DHCP server on the home LAN is used to set (among other things) the default router. When you later connect to a wireless LAN there is already a default router, I do not think it is switched then.