2 newbie questions!

Hey all, finally gave windows the boot and I am now running openSUSE 11 w/Gnome. Love it!!

2 little things. I am using Banshee with my ipod but what is a good (read: easy to install and use) video converter? (avi to mp4 or any ipod compatble format)

Also, I want to make shortcuts to folders on my extra drives, can’t seem to find out how!

Any help is appreciated!!



Video: from Packman get ‘avidemux’

it’s fairly easy

Shortcuts: I’m kde so it’s right click and either create link to device or url

You could also open a terminal and type
ln --help, ln is then command line way to make a link.

You could also open a terminal and type
ln --help, ln is then command line way to make a link.


clayb226’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=16275
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=399752