2 linuxes on the same machine

If I install 2 linuxes opensuse and debian on the same machine
can I have 2 different root passwords for the 2 different OS?

of corse you can.
Since each Os has its own partition(root partition).
2 different Linux ===> 2 different password(if you want)
because you cannot acces the both OSs on the same time:D

A thing to watch though - if you use the same /home partition for both, don’t use the same username or they’ll overwrite one another’s settings. It might work for a while - but in the end it’ll be a mess.

You can use a single ‘real’ home partition, and create a ‘dummy’ home partition in the other one, and use symlinks to make the content directories (e.g. ~/Documents) the same. Or you can just mount a /data partition on both to share things.

> If I install 2 linuxes opensuse and debian on the same machine
> can I have 2 different root passwords for the 2 different OS?

Start virtualizing and have as many OS’s as you like.