Hi everyone;
Ok I am trying to install linux opensuse 13.2 on two identical Acer Aspire E1-572 Laptops. I downloaded the 13.2 kde-live iso and burnt to DVD because the full version kept having issues with exceeded bandwidth on my service. I also created a live flashdrive. I could not get install to work from the dvd even though it ran live perfect, but booting from the flashdrive installed with no issues.
It seems to me that after doing all the updates, installing all the programs, getting virtualbox with guest-extensions done and windows 2k, xp, vista, and 7 virtualized it sure would be nice to be able to duplicate everything on the other machine without all the hours of work. Is Cloneit (I think that is what it was called) still around couldn’t find it.
Still trying to get virtualbox guest OS’s done so not quite ready to duplicate / Clone to other machine.
Maybe there is a better way to completely clone / deploy to another machine. Any idea’s