well sure i know this is theoretically a bit difficult, but I dare to ask: what are the possible ways to connect an internal 3.5’’ SATA HDD to the board (let’s say i want to use a 1TB)? Let’s ignore the need for additional power.
i want to add a good power supply unit: So that i have enough power. What about the ways and options to connect a HDD.
**What is aimed: **I want to make a box like a Network Attached Storage - a NAS - that contains the board and the HDD internally, so the trivial “plug to USB connector” is excluded. How can I do this?
**first approach: **Well - i guess that the only way is to use a sata to usb adaptor or a usb enclosure for the drive.
well if we want to connect an internal HDD, then i guess that would have to get some sort of USB -> SATA adapter and still connect it through the slow USB2 ports on the Raspberry pi or Banana Pi.
Regarding power, i guess that we would need to power the drive by some external means, since USB2 ports probably won’t have the power to power an internal SATA drive.
Well** the question is:** i can use a good and rock solid power supply unit that supports the running of a (interntal) b3.5 HDD.
any sugggestions for this power supply unit - that i can put into my rack too
I choose a board according to a list of requirements, and the board will have its own requirements including how it connects to I/O devices like drives.
I don’t recommend your approach to try to figure out options after choosing a board because it means you’re likely going to arrive at options that aren’t necessarily consistent with the board’s design.
For instance I’m guessing that your board only contains USB ports for drives.
I’d look at the technical documentation for your board for manufacturer recommendations that might be consistent with physical dimensions, capacities, and power requirements. And, if possible I would have looked at this before acquiring the board.
If it’s an embedded board, you can probably use any device designed for external USB/SATA conversions, just check the plugs… External connectors can have shielding that won’t exist for internal devices (everything else about the plug design is the same as internal), you need to make sure that connections will work physically.
I currently use a C7 DC-DC converter (ATX) board for one of my RPi3 projects. It’s 12V in 5V out to power the RPi3 with two RTL-SDR’s and GPS (needs the 3.3V rail) It has a SATA power connector, so all you would need is a USB to SATA adaptor.
Probably easier to just get a powered enclosure for your 3.5" HDD’s with a USB connection.