I have two DELL 720 I5-4570 Computers with 16 Gb of memory, 500 Gb SSD root drive and 4 Tb Magnetic as /srv. I can’t think of anything else remarkable about either. Both pc`s started life as windows 10 with no issues.
I have installed SuSE 15.5 on both. Fairly generic install with KDE, File server, Web server , etc templates. After both are up for aprox. 10 to 20 Minutes they crash: black screen, no ping response. No ssh from 3rd pc. NO [Alt] [F3] to console. Requires reboot . then again in the same period - crash.
I added and switched to Gnome desktop and both are rock solid… Up for days. No issues. Change back to KDE and CRASH. I really would like to return to KDE as that is what I’m most comfortable with.
I have experience with SuSE since 2008. Our Department at American Airlines managed several hundred airport Novell 3, 4, & 5 file servers and then the transition to Microsoft Servers and all Airport & Campus Cisco Network Devices world wide.
Back in 2008, I needed to build a monitor box for my department’s managed devices. Our Novel Rep. (Also SuSe Linux Rep) suggested I build a SuSE LAMP server. I used it to track over 20,000 networked devices for my department on SuSE 10 using an SNMP , and a PHP web server I wrote. When I moved on in 2017, I had kept it upgraded to up thru Suse 42. All worked pretty much plug and play and YAST made it very easy to use.
Like I said the SuSE server worked so well, I don’t have a lot of troubleshooting experience with linux. Could someone help me with what info to capture for trouble shooting this issue in KDE.
Strange problem, are these two machines identical? Are the machines active or are they idling when the problem happens?
Here also running KDE but on Tumbleweed, but not an easy problem to debug it looks to me.
The first thing I would try is changing to 15.6, it looks lik an KDE related problem and going to 15.6 you will be running with a quite newer version of KDE.
To be sure, is this about openSUSE Leap 15.5 and not about some SUSE (as in SLES/SLED)?
It would be better to call things by their real names (see e.g. the home page of this forums web site and all other openSUSE web sites) to avoid confusion.
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