I had to do a new install of 15.2 as my upgrade process from 15.1 lost all video. I think that was related to the incomprehensible discussion of nuveau in the upgrade dvd. So a fresh install was required
All seemed to go well and I got 15.2 started. Now ,though, after boot up goes through the 3 little squares, I get a login box that differs from that of 15.1. The login says:
“Enter pw to unlock your keyring, Login Keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into computer”. I have no knowledge of what this means.
In the old 15.1 login it said User and I selected my username, and I could select from the different installed desktops before I logged in. There was no desktop showing. After unlocking the keyring in this new dialogue the system looks to run ok so far but I want to get back the old login dialogue where I could change desktops.
I did some research and found that this Keyring message seems to come from gnome. I did first install gnome during the DVD installation. I then used gnome software manager to install Mate as that is what I use primarily. I also installed KDE. Now I get this Keyring message and mate de is already showing before I login to release keyring.
Note I used same pw everywhere. Note also that gnome keyring modules are installed.
thanks, tom kosvic
I think you configured your system to automatically login on boot. That’s what caused the change.
You can change that with
Yast → System → sysconfig editor
Once in sysconfig editor, open Desktop
Then open Display manager
Your login name is probably shown there. You should empty that field and then save the changes.
I did find my user name in the auto login key. I removed it and rebooted and a got a totally blank screen without even a mouse curser after rebooting. I could get nowhere.
i redid a fresh install using the minimalist desktop configuration option. I went into the minimal desktop and installed Mate desktop from the software manager. I again got the Key ring unlocking login and not the one I got on 15.1.
I thank you for the suggestion but that went backwards. I am now where i was before with the keyring login request active. It looks like all apps run in mate desktop but I cannot log into any other one.
I did look at sysconfig in yast and again my username is there. I am not sure about removing it as last time I lost all video, even mouse cursor.
I never did autologin before andI dont know where it is coming from during the fresh install
Looking for more ideas.
I rebooted a couple of times, not deleting my name in the systemconfig editor and amazingly I now get the proper login where it asks for user and allows desktop swaps,
I did nothing except couple of regular reboots (not recovery mode).
guess it is solved but I am not happy when something just starts to work without a known reason.
But, i’ll take it.
I’m glad it is now working.