13.2 KDE Theme upgrade problem - Windows top looking through

Hi Forum

I have now formatted my 13.1 / - partition and installed 13.2 instead. I have keeped my /home - partition with KDE user account to my previous 13.1 KDE “Air openSUSE” theme.
I am running a Acer Aspire V5 labtop with opensuse 13.2 64 bit DVD USB stick install.
When I login in to my previous KDE user account, that was created under install of 13.2, some of the application windows - such as Dolphin, has a window top bar, that I can be looking through and see the backgrown. The windows top bar also has a grid of vertical lines. Some applications - such as Chrome Web browser, which was installed later - has a okay window top bar.
But all application windows has problem when clicking the icon - Window Menu - at the top left side of the window top bar. Clicking this icon shows a menu, which also can be looking through and seeing the background.

But when I create a new user in Yast, who has not a previous /home account path, all windows are okay, even if I which the user to the KDE “Air openSUSE” theme.

Maybe my previous user account has been damaged over several KDE - versions ?

Isn’t a way of creating an all new KDE account, by deleting the ./kde4 hidden file and login again? Can Forum-user recommend, that I try that?


That would work (that is when you use the correct file name of course, it is .kde4 inside your home directory). But IMHO it is better to change it’s name like

mv .kde4 saved-kde4

(or the same sort of action from a GUI tool like Dolphin).
Then you can always move it back to retrieve the old situation.
An extra is that you can still look in individual old configuration files if you are in doubt how something was.

And of course, when your new configuration is OK, then you can remove saved-kde4.

Problem SOLVED :slight_smile:

Thanks Forum!

I also turned-off automatic login in Yast, before I renamed the .kde4 directory. If KDE had problem creating a new enviroment for my main account, I could use another user account.
But everything went okay, and again thanks to all the people, who develop KDE and openSUSE!
