I did a 13.2 milstone install for fun, noticed a few issues. pleas forgive me if i’m not providing enogh information but ill be happy to provide if asked nicly
I chose the net install, chose to try Enligthment and as i wanted e18 i chose the Enligthment pacakge from “advanced” (had version 0.18 somthing).
however afte install (wich was problemfree) it booted into Icewm dm, and Icewm Desktop, no way to chose another de. Checked trough sysconf with yast, it listed xdm as dm and e17 as de.
when looking trough packages installed (also with yast add/remove packages) it listed neither icewm or icewmde as installed, but listed xdm and Enligthment as installed.
So i gave it a longshot, pulled Entrance dm from buildservice, (1-click) changed xdm to entrance and e17 to enligthment in sysconfig via yast. and rebooted. still only icewm is working.
Also i’m unable to easaly install my nettworked printer “brother dhcp-9010cn” easaly. in my buntu/mint days it was automaticly deteced and installed. Now cups dosnt detect any printers.
Other than this it so far seems to be in good shape for a milestone0 release