Have a machine which has windows 7 and Suse 13.1 on it, and wanted to upgrade it to 13.2, but when i got to the page where it detects the partitions and bootloader, it wanted to delete the windows partition and all linux partitions and then create all new partitions. Now to give you a bit of background information on the system and the way it is setup. The machine is an asus machine that has this new efui boot thingy, but is disabled ( made sure of that when i setup windows 7). The partitions are as follows. Windows partition with bootloader ( why bootloader was not put in mbr no idea, that was when 12.3 was installed on it) Then have the usual root partition and home partition as per usual with all opensuse versions, that is until now.
So my question is this: when i want to upgrade the machine to 13.2, how do i go about doing it without the installer wanting to delete all patitions and leave partition setup as is as well as boolloader? Also i think the efui thingy has something do do with it as this new version now detects that it has this capability, and wanting to install bootloader to efui partition / create one.
Also i did the upgrade from 12.3 to 13.1 with no problem and it left all the partitions intacted and bootloader.