Hello everyone, the last couple of months this little problem appeared in my system.
KDE notifications popup every now and then with “Signature verification for Repository download.opensuse.org-database failed” or any other repo I have in my list.
i) I have tried updating the repos (via Yast > Software Repositories > Refresh) manually which fixes the problem for the next hour or so by reimporting/Trusting the GPG keys during refresh. It does not work… next hour, same thing again.
ii) I have tried updating the repos with zypper up, asks me “New repository or package signing key received:” and I accept it for every repo, fixes the problem for the next hour or so. It does not work… next hour, same thing again.
iii) I have tried deleting all GPG keys and repos I had, add basic opensuse repos again. Nothing… Not only same behaviour with “Signature verification for Repository XXXX…”, but GPG keys list remains empty even though I have multiple times accepted them via yast or zypper. I also got extra zypper warnings like "Additional rpm output:
warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/ftp.gwdg.de-suse/Essentials/x86_64/chromium-pdf-plugin- Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 1abd1afb: NOKEY"
iv) I have tried deleting the contents of the subdirectories under “**/var/cache/zypp/” **and retried steps i,ii,iii to no effect.
I’m running out of ideas, any help?