[12.3] Slow bootup

I run openSUSE 12.3 x86_64 with Dell Vostro 3450. System was upgraded from 12.2 when 12.3 was out. Everything works fine but boot time is too long, I think.

fisiu@vostro ~ $ systemd-analyze time
Startup finished in 5531ms (kernel) + 43431ms (userspace) = 48963ms
fisiu@vostro ~ $ systemd-analyze blame
 27623ms NetworkManager.service
  7481ms ntp.service
  2672ms smb.service
  1654ms cycle.service
  1440ms systemd-udev-root-symlink.service
  1029ms home.mount
  1007ms dev-hugepages.mount
  1006ms dev-mqueue.mount
   857ms systemd-vconsole-setup.service
   637ms systemd-modules-load.service
   480ms systemd-remount-fs.service
   430ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
   417ms rc-local.service
   270ms postfix.service
   261ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
   190ms polkit.service
   184ms systemd-user-sessions.service
   122ms systemd-sysctl.service
   117ms var-run.mount
    87ms systemd-udevd.service
    81ms systemd-readahead-replay.service
    69ms avahi-daemon.service
    64ms bluetooth.service
    51ms nmb.service
    50ms xdm.service
    50ms fbset.service
    46ms sshd.service
    43ms systemd-readahead-collect.service
    27ms rtkit-daemon.service
    19ms systemd-logind.service
    15ms udisks2.service
     6ms upower.service
     4ms sys-kernel-debug.mount
     2ms sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount
     2ms var-lock.mount

Boot plot looks like: http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/5107/c81b.png and full bootup log is here (too many lines to pase directly on forum): KDE Pastebin

Do You have any ideas what can be wrong and how can I speedup boot process?

Looks like it is the network that is slow to come up. Network manager is taking way to much time.

How are you connecting, wired/wifi??

Have you tried ifup.

Maybe go to yast and reconfigure it.

Looks like Network Manager is really bad. So, my questions are, what desktop do you use? Do you have Network Manager enabled or use ifup? You can use the following terminal command to look up networking errors for the service:

sudo journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=NetworkManager.service

As for speed ups, in general, adding in more memory and of course, using an SSD. I have decided to use a 120 GB SSD and use Network Manager and not ifup. Other fixes are possible if we know more.

While a slow startup is a drag, you spend only a minute there and so how are things after you get up and running? For help with systemd, have a look at my bash script here:

SysdCmd - systemd Command Help/Config Editor - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

And for Changes to Grub 2, have a look here:

GNU Grub2 Command Listing Helper with --help & Input - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,


Switch from ifup to network manager control should sort it

caf4926 wrote:

> Switch from ifup to network manager control should sort it

Just an eyeball estimate, but my machine seems to pause a long time trying
to initialize the bluetooth system - which is reasonable as it doesn’t exist

  • during bootup. I haven’t gotten around to looking for what causes the
    bluetooth stuff to be called just yet but the delay is noticable. I also
    see a long delay when the wireless AP is not available but I just disable
    wireless in the network manager as I use just the wired ethernet.

Will Honea

Thanks for You answers,

I use Plasma Desktop (KDE) 4.10.3 from official Update repository. As connection manager I use NetworkManager, and it even works :slight_smile:
I followed hints from post linked by @vazhavandan and my system starts 2 times faster:)

fisiu@vostro ~ $ systemd-analyze time
Startup finished in 5435ms (kernel) + 15642ms (userspace) = 21078ms

fisiu@vostro ~ $ systemd-analyze blame
  6741ms NetworkManager.service
  1419ms systemd-udev-root-symlink.service
  1368ms dev-hugepages.mount
  1359ms dev-mqueue.mount
  1331ms cycle.service
  1120ms systemd-vconsole-setup.service
  1096ms systemd-remount-fs.service
  1047ms smb.service
   684ms systemd-modules-load.service
   682ms polkit.service
   617ms ntp.service
   576ms home.mount
   403ms avahi-daemon.service
   393ms upower.service
   378ms rc-local.service
   343ms postfix.service
   281ms systemd-sysctl.service
   231ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
   201ms var-run.mount
   195ms var-lock.mount
   194ms nmb.service
   190ms sys-kernel-debug.mount
   185ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
   141ms xdm.service
   102ms bluetooth.service
    98ms fbset.service
    97ms systemd-user-sessions.service
    79ms systemd-udevd.service
    64ms systemd-readahead-collect.service
    63ms systemd-logind.service
    61ms systemd-readahead-replay.service
    41ms sshd.service
    26ms rtkit-daemon.service
    23ms udisks2.service

And plot:

I’m sure there is a place for further optimizations but I’m quite happy with current result.
Thanks guys!

I faced similar issue on 12.2 and that was the actual solution i applied. Glad it worked out for you.