Any idea when we will get a 12.3 Packman repo? Factory Packman isn’t cutting it.
The Factory Packman supplies a broken Audacious.
Today’s updates still leave the audacious-plugins incompatible / uninstallable.
I really can’t full test 12.3 if the applications I use can’t be run.
“< FlameBait> Anyone idea when we might get a packman repo for openSUSE 12.3? The factory packman is kind of broken.<mrdocs> FlameBait: very soon
<FlameBait> thanks. I am testing on two machines but the stuff I use is packman :p”
<FlameBait> Any idea when a openSUSE 12.3 packman repo will exist?<Fisiu> most of packages are already built, but pmbs config doesn’t allow mirrors to sync 12.3 tree
<Fisiu> I requested 12.3 tree on mailing list but we need to wait a bit more
<FlameBait> Ah OK… release is soon
<FlameBait> factory packman is not so good for me
<FlameBait> Thanks
I’m too need a lot of packages from this repository and it seems strange to me that there is no beta repository for beta releases.
I think people are quit willing to help to use beta releases and give feedback BUT they need also other packages not only from plain distro
BUT most people cannot compile itself the packages and need a way to download the packages compiled for the beta releases.
So it would be nice that opensuse and people from packman repository could work hand in hand…
To satisfy all, this would mean we would have to have beta subrepos … We have Factory for that.
I do agree a 12.3 Packman repo should have been there from at least RC1
Putting your enthusiasm aside, you really only need them after the new distro is released. That’s when it makes sense to test your additional setup, and report problems when developers have more time for those (in theory).
I think people are quit willing to help to use beta releases and give feedback BUT they need also other packages not only from plain distro
During the phase from beta to release, the developers have limited time to deal with bugs arising from packages, and their dependencies from within the distribution. That has to be their main priority, not external packages. Factory Packman usually provides some essential multimedia packages for that phase, but that seems to be exceptional, and for obvious reasons.
Factory Packman is there for beta and the Factory Essentials repos as well.
I only had one package that I could not get to work but I saw no way to give feedback to the openSUSE Packman people.
The Packman build service was out of commission for a while during this Beta period I believe as well.
Pascal who was very involved and knowledgeable about the Packman build service has retired. I wonder if this is going to impact the availability of Packman and Essentials?
Very good! I’ve added the URL and have it active in my Repo list and all packages are upgraded/downgraded now.
Still missing Audacious plugins. I hope we don’t lose audacious from a lack of maintainers.
I wonder when it will start to show up in YAST repository management for those who search for it?