12.1 XFCE and No Virtualization in Yast


I recently installed 12.1 with XFCE as the DE and am running into an issue with Yast. When I open it, there are the various sub-groups as expected. But there is no Virtualization section (or options to access the Virtualization module in the Miscellaneous section). If I go and re-install the yast2-vm through Software Center, it indicates that it was a successful reload, but I still have no module. So I tried installing KVM, thinking it may not appear without a virtualization backend to access. After a restart, that did not fix the problem. Is there anything else I can look at to possibly troubleshoot this?

Thank you!


Since I have posted this, I have gone into the software center and reinstalled all yast2 packages as well as install/reinstall KVM. For good measure, when I rebooted, I checked that my BIOS was set to allow virtualization (which it was). So now I am really stumped. Any help would be great.


I had the same thing. Do you have the “yast2-vm” package installed? Installing this gave me back the Virtualization option in YaST.

May not have read correctly, but re-reading your post it seems you have the yast2-vm package installed. For me restarting yast after this brought back the Virtualization option.