First I apologize for taking so long to reply. I just got home from 9 days on the road so my replies should come a bit quicker.
I chose failsafe mode and that took me to a command line prompt for login and password. I entered both and successfully logged in, but only to a command line prompt.
Configured a new user in Yast with autologin disabled. Booted normally and each time ended up at the command line. Logged in with the new user name with no luck getting to the Desktop, Logged in with the Original name, and also never made it to the Desktop.
Additional note: Just to avoid confusion, when I power up I get a normal opensuse screen with green background and graphics, but when I choose the mode I want to boot, I just end up at the command line. I never make it to the normal KDE desktop. So I just wanted to make sure you knew I was seeing a graphic menu and not a typical black background with a cmd prompt. I just end up at a command prompt.