> I am trying to setup a folder on the host to be accessible from the
> guest VM.
> I have done the following:
> Host:
> - Installed the YaST2 NFS Server tool. - Configured NFS Server with
> entry to selected folder /test. - Started the NFS service.
> - Started VBox and the VM to get vboxnet0 interface to appear.
> Guest:
> - VM Network settings enabled Adapter 2 as Host-Only. - Configured eth1
> to have static IP of - Created a mount point folder.
> - Tried mounting the host folder, yet no return to prompt without any
> message. Have to use Ctrl-C to terminate mount command.
> Content of exports file:
> /test,sync)
> What could I have left out in setting up NFS access from guest vm?
Have you tried disabling the port in the firewall?
If you have done that, is there some reason you’re not using shared
folders instead? That might be muh less painful.