Tell us more about your hardware. What is your computer’s brand/model? What video GPU does it use? Without knowing more, I suggest you use the kernel load option called nomodeset which you enter just before pressing the enter key while in the Grub OS selection menu and about to select the default normal load of openSUSE.
When I start Skype and look at pavucontrol, everything is fine, and I can test audio in/out and video in/out.
When I really start a Skype session the video is OK, but I lost the audio in channel.
I should add: If I configure pulseaudio to use only the internal audio in/out it works (with horrible quality). The problem occurs when I use my external (USB) speaker and the micro of the external camera.
Shutdown Crash
Still occurs frequently.
I installed the debug versions and now have a nice crash report (plasma-desktop-20120103-133604.kcrash), but I cannot answer all those questions in KDE Bug Tracking System which are mandatory before submitting a crash report. So that seems not be for me.
DId you reuse your /home ? If so, remove the plasma config files from ~/.kde4/share/config and reapply your personal prefs for the desktop appearance.
On Skype: IME this is a matter of finding the right settings in Skype. Most of the time it doesn’t like devices to appear and disappear, like USB headsets/speakersets etc. If your audio is OK on the desktop in all other situations, it’s Skype’s settings you need to adjust.