12.1 RC 1 So far so good!!!

Whats up? To everyone This is short review
Wifi works , My Sprint Mobile Broadband works, which is amazing. Its the first KDE distro I got to work with mobile broadband. I just turned Network Manger on and played around with modem settings. After reboot had to wait 2 or 3 minutes for the first time. But it works! I’m sort of new to KDE only because I’m mainly a mobile broadband user. So I only use distros that work out the box with it.<------I’m Lazy

So with nothing running but system monitor CPU is about 16% and Ram is about 650MiB. This was a shock I thought KDE idled heavier. (I’m mainly a Crunchbang/Openbox user, so everything is heavy to me, lol) My unscientific test is having Chromium with 12 tabs open, a 1080p movie playing, a few KDE games running and burning a DVD. CPU is around 70% and Ram is about 65%.Not Bad!!! All though opening folders is a little slow, but something had to give, so thats ok. Not sure if its the way Opensuse implements KDE or if KDE has gotten more efficient, but “FOR ME” this kind puts an end to the KDE is too heavy fud. See computer hardware stats below. I think its a 2006 laptop.

Bought from the pawn shop for $150 (a cheap 17"screen that’s why I got it)
HP Pavilion dv9700 Windows XP
Processor (CPU): AMD Turion™ 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-60
Ram 3.6 GiB
Graphics : C67 GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M
System: openSUSE 12.1 RC 1 (i586)
KDE: 4.7.2 (4.7.2)

Obviously some apps are buggy, but nothing stopping me for working. All my hot keys work(this was awesome) I couldn’t get kaffine, audacious, dropbox or spideroak to work, but I think its my fault. Yast froze twice trying get vlc, but CLI worked. Yast is a toss up, 2 days in and I’m developing a love/hate emotion to it. Kmail is ok. Had turn off some of the desktop effects, it just got in the way for me. So far Opensuse 12.1 is a keeper. I guess this more of a review of KDE on older Hardware

Just curious, as long as I keep updating does 12…1 RC1 turn into 12.1 Distribution Release?.

On 10/29/2011 02:36 PM, Sk3pt1cDud3 wrote:
> Whats up? To everyone This is short review
> Wifi works , My Sprint Mobile Broadband works, which is amazing. Its
> the first KDE distro I got to work with mobile broadband. I just turned
> Network Manger on and played around with modem settings. After reboot
> had to wait 2 or 3 minutes for the first time. But it works! I’m sort
> of new to KDE only because I’m mainly a mobile broadband user. So I only
> use distros that work out the box with it.<------I’m Lazy
> So with nothing running but system monitor CPU is about 16% and Ram is
> about 650MiB. This was a shock I thought KDE idled heavier. (I’m mainly
> a Crunchbang/Openbox user, so everything is heavy to me, lol) My
> unscientific test is having Chromium with 12 tabs open, a 1080p movie
> playing, a few KDE games running and burning a DVD. CPU is around 70%
> and Ram is about 65%.Not Bad!!! All though opening folders is a little
> slow, but something had to give, so thats ok. Not sure if its the way
> Opensuse implements KDE or if KDE has gotten more efficient, but “FOR
> ME” this kind puts an end to the KDE is too heavy fud. See computer
> hardware stats below. I think its a 2006 laptop.
> Bought from the pawn shop for $150 (a cheap 17"screen that’s why I got
> it)
> HP Pavilion dv9700 Windows XP
> Processor (CPU): AMD Turion™ 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-60
> Ram 3.6 GiB
> Graphics : C67 GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M
> System: openSUSE 12.1 RC 1 (i586)
> KDE: 4.7.2 (4.7.2)
> Obviously some apps are buggy, but nothing stopping me for working. All
> my hot keys work(this was awesome) I couldn’t get kaffine, audacious,
> dropbox or spideroak to work, but I think its my fault. Yast froze twice
> trying get vlc, but CLI worked. Yast is a toss up, 2 days in and I’m
> developing a love/hate emotion to it. Kmail is ok. Had turn off some of
> the desktop effects, it just got in the way for me. So far Opensuse 12.1
> is a keeper. I guess this more of a review of KDE on older Hardware
> Just curious, as long as I keep updating does 12…1 RC1 turn into 12.1
> Distribution Release?.

Yes. You will need to have the 12.1 repos available (should be there already),
and do a “sudo zypper dup”. You can also do that with RC2 when it is released
next week.

I’ve been running 12.1 RC1, Gnome 3, for the last week or so - however long RC1 has been available - and have been quite happy with it. Installation issues aside, I think this thing is ready for prime time.

I have had one major annoyance with 12.1, starting with beta and carrying on through RC1 so far. It has to do with trying to install the fglrx driver. I have done it by following the directions given here, and all I get for my effort is the pretty Geeko wallpaper. GDM never starts up, and I cannot log in. Even worse, when I try to undo the installation by reversing the changes, I end up with a completely unbootable system. Thank God for Clonezilla, as I was able to restore off the backup image I created just before starting this mess.

The real problem is, I’m not sure if it’s an OpenSUSE issue, a kernel issue, or a Gnome 3 issue. I may have to install Fedora and see if it does the same thing when I try to install fglrx on it. I just hope that, whatever the problem is, it resolves itself by the time 12.1 is officially released, because I’ve really come to love OpenSUSE!

Yes, wait for it next week and run sudo zypper refresh followed by sudo zypper dup :slight_smile:

The most recent version of fglrx is buggy - have you tried using the previous version?, I had to do that to get around crashes I was having in KDE with the latest one.

I just tried 8.881 (Catalyst 11.8) and got exactly the same results. The only other thing I can think of is maybe there’s a problem with how the packages in that repository are being compiled. I tried a package straight from AMD’s site, but they don’t recognize OpenSUSE 12.1 yet, and so won’t build.

I’m going to temporarily install Fedora and see how fglrx works there, just to eliminate the possibility of it being a Gnome 3 issue.

Well,* that* was an interesting experience! OpenSUSE is much more user-friendly during install than Fedora is!

Anyways… I installed Fedora 15, Gnome 3 version, then went through its steps to install fglrx. The process involved adding and installing from an unofficial repo, as AMD doesn’t directly support F15 (which is odd, since it’s been out a while, and F16 is now in beta). However, the install went without a hitch, and Fedora booted up Gnome Shell with fglrx just fine. So, the problems I am having with fglrx in OpenSUSE 12.1 are not related to Gnome 3, but rather either with 12.1 itself, or with the way fglrx is being packaged for 12.1. Hopefully these issues are ironed out and resolved by the time 12.1 is officially released.

I think, that fglrx drivers are not compatible with kernel row 3. I have the similar problem with gnome ubuntu 11.10.

Doh! Good catch! I hadn’t even considered that! Fedora 15 is still using kernel 2 – 2.6.40, to be exact.

On 10/31/2011 03:16 AM, briandoe wrote:
> petrherynk;2399048 Wrote:
>> I think, that fglrx drivers are not compatible with kernel row 3. I have
>> the similar problem with gnome ubuntu 11.10.Doh! Good catch! I hadn’t even considered that! Fedora 15 is still using
> kernel 2 – 2.6.40, to be exact.

They are not using “kernel 2”. Kernel 2.6.40 is Ubuntu’s pseudonym for 3.0. The
two kernels are the same! They did that to get around some errors in scripting
that cause kernel version 3.0+ to fail. Why it is taking ATI so long to get
their scripts fixed is beyond me. It has been nearly 6 months since 3.0-rc1 was
released, and this problem started. The fixes for those scripts should be posted
somewhere. The most likely problem is that they are checking for the kernel
version to be “2.6”. Now, they should check for the version to be not equal to

As you have likely surmised, it is not a Gnome 3 problem.

My google skills are failing me right now, (long day at work) how do I fix a bad link to to repository?

  zypper repos --uri
#  | Alias             | Name                       | Enabled | Refresh | URI                                                                       
 1 | contrib           | contrib                    | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/12.1:/Contrib/standard
 2 | dvd               | dvd                        | Yes     | Yes     | http://opensuse-guide.org/repo/11.4/                                      
 3 | kde-extra         | kde-extra                  | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Extra/openSUSE_11.4/       
 4 | packman           | packman                    | Yes     | Yes     | http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/packman/suse/11.4/                           
 5 | repo-debug        | openSUSE-12.1-Debug        | No      | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/debug/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/            
 6 | repo-debug-update | openSUSE-12.1-Update-Debug | No      | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/debug/update/12.1/                           
 7 | repo-non-oss      | openSUSE-12.1-Non-Oss      | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/              
 8 | repo-oss          | openSUSE-12.1-Oss          | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/                  
 9 | repo-source       | openSUSE-12.1-Source       | No      | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/source/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/           
10 | repo-update       | openSUSE-12.1-Update       | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/update/12.1/  
  zypper refresh
Retrieving repository 'contrib' metadata [error]
Repository 'contrib' is invalid.
|] Valid metadata not found at specified URL(s)
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Skipping repository 'contrib' because of the above error.
Repository 'dvd' is up to date.
Repository 'kde-extra' is up to date.
Repository 'packman' is up to date. 

Can someone give me the right link to the contrib repo
Is a simple as going to /etc/zypp/repos.d edit the change and save?
Do I have to remove than add?


How is possible for a bad repo link to be enabled in the first place? Seems strange!

I’m not sure where you got that url for the Contrib repo, but no such address exists, hence the error message. If you go to download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/12.1, you will see that there is no Contrib link. Maybe it’s too soon for the proper links to 12.1.

Thanks pilotgi, that’s what I thought. I deleted it. I added a bunch of applications to see how the cpu and ram usage was. So it might have snuck in somewhere before the update. Not new to linux, but new to opensuse and kde. Nothing major to complain about. My laptop fan hasn’t turned yet so I guess its all good. :slight_smile:

For openSUSE 12.1, contrib is deprecated, see: openSUSE:Contrib - openSUSE