11.4 x86-64 new install - jerky mouse


  • opensuse: 11.4 x86_64 new install
  • kernel:
  • qemu-kvm install
  • input devices: PS/2 Mouse, EvTouch USB Graphics Tablet

If I just take the mouse and scroll left and right over the desktop, the mouse is “jerky, choppy, randomly freezes, erratic”. It occurs all the time. Trying to be more focused and select an object is challenging.

/var/log/messages shows:
kernel psmouse.c Explorer mouse at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 1 bytes away

Don’t know if it is related, but in “Personal Settings” → “Input Devices” → “Touchpad”, there is a “Warning: Touch pad configuration is not supported on this system. …”

I have another virtual machine with the exact same setup running openSUSE 11.2 x86-64, kernel, and the mouse is not “jerky”, but I have no wheel support.

Comparing logs and config they look alike. I turned off all desktop effects.

I’d like a non-jerky mouse with wheel support. :slight_smile:

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

PS: 11.4 is very nice.

Is this a VM? If so which and did you load the support drivers?

Don’t do what I did , which was put my mobile phone next to my wireless mouse, :shame: … and then I scratched my head for over 15 minutes as to why my mouse was acting up ! I tried change mouse batteries, … cleaning the mouse … etc … Finally common sense in my case prevailed, and it dawned on me that my mobile phone was interfering with my mouse ! I moved my mobile phone over to the other side of my desk, and suddenly this recalcitrant mouse started working properly ! lol!

Yes. I’m using QEMU-KVM with libvirt. The host is 11.2. The guest is 11.4.

“Ask Klaus”](http://www.linux-magazine.com/w3/issue/129/068-070_AskKlaus.pdf ) in Linux Magazine had a question “Be My Quest” that talked about experimenting with the mouse acceleration. xset or I assume in KDE, Configure Desktop -> Input Devices -> Mouse -> Advanced. It’s not a big improvement not as jerky, but there are still these large pauses. The mouse just stops moving and then jumps to catch up.

Thanks in advance.


Finally found the problem/solution. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse/+bug/553081
I did not notice the high CPU, but definitely the problem moving the mouse.

Everything was fine running Windows7 64-bit in qemu-kvm virtual machine. The mouse was very smooth. But Linux VM’s were painful to use because of the mouse. I ran across the above launchpad bug report.

On the opensuse12.1 64-bit VM I moved the file 50-vmmouse.conf up one directory and rebooted. The mouse is no longer jerky — very smooth.

On a Fedoral VM a similar move was required.

Just thought I’d pass the solution on to anyone else having a jerky mouse issue in a qemu-kvm linux vm.