11.4 samba won't run

Hi all: Just rolled 11.4 (x64) out to my hove server. Copied over all my samba config files and started up samba - nothing. Manually started samba (/etc/init.d/smb start) and samba appears to start but checking the status does not show it running. Actually checking the status returns nothing. Stopping samba returns “unused”.

Can someone help me out here? I have never had issues with opensuse and samba before.

Thanks, Chris.

did the same, upgraded my file-server and lost the clients connected with samba, thought it was because of updating and reinstalled fresh OS11.4, did not do the trick, sorry I can´t help you, besides shouting with you, PLEASE HELP!

Try, as root: complain /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.smbd /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.nmbd and try to start Samba.

If that works, then use Samba for a while and use it’s functionality.

Shut down Samba, run aa-logprof, answer the questions to allow access to files in /etc/samba and /var/lib/samba as needed.

Hope that helps.



have same problem, i discover it is AppArmor prevent samba to create and management files in “/var/lib/samba” folder.

11.4 samba won’t run - SOLUTION, go to Yast -> Novell AppArmor -> Edit Profile and update or delete AppArmor profile for Samba.

Then use as “root” "rcsmb restart " and check did samba run “rcsmb status”

Its works for me :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the replies. Will give it a try tonight.

thanks czmruk, AppArmor was the culprit in my case as well!

Hello All !

Niced to join OpenSuse Community forum.

After updating from OS 11.3 to OS 11.4 on a test node, I had the same trouble. And the funny joke was that Webmin saw Samba in running status. FYI I saw that OS 11.4 auto disable CIFS as it is ON with OS 11.3. And the NetBIOS Server service is now automatically add when we allow opening ports on firewall during Samba setup. So in fact it is right a trouble with AppArmor profile as said above. Thanks for the report. And Blotz’s setup works fine. FYI you can also setup complain status in Yast / Novell AppArmor / AppArmor setup panel / profiles setup button / change mode button.

Thanks all and see u

Don’t forget to set nmb and smb permanently to “on” in Yast → system → runlevels

My thanks as well.

AppArmor appears to be a problem for smbd, nmdb and 1-2 others.
I’ve avoided AppArmor for a several rels, this time its unavoidable.

Thanks for the tip.

that tip save my day…

that tip save my day…

Error Message: Unable to open configuration file “/etc/samba/dhcp.conf”
I also had to add for smbd and nmbd:
/etc/samba/** RWK

How does this matter go on???

BTW, below is error msg I catch.

smbd -F -S -i

Unable to setup corepath for smbd: Permission denied
smbd version 3.5.7-1.17.1-2505-SUSE-SL11.4-i386 started.
Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2010
Failed to open /etc/samba/secrets.tdb
Failed to open /etc/samba/secrets.tdb
ERROR: smbd can not open secrets.tdb

I also saw "failed to open /etc/samba/dhcp.conf in the samba log files.
Turned out I had 2 copies of Yast running, one of which was in the “middle” of configuring the samba server.
I was alternately trying to start the smb daemon from the command line and the 2nd copy of Yast.
I think the “other” copy of Yast had locked the dhcp.conf file, preventing samba from reading it. Once I shutdown both copies of Yast, and then retried starting it from the command line it reported it was already running (started when I exited the copy of Yast which was editing the config) - all good from here on.