11.4+ kde 3.5

Hi. I’ve been using trinity kde 3.5 for a while and really enjoy it. It’s much faster and smoother on my system than kde 4.xx. So i looked about for an opensuse version that supported kde 3.5. I know that the last official release was 11.1 and the repos are not now officially supported, but i (think) i found what i was looking for at -

OpenSUSE 11.4 KDE3 – SUSE Gallery

For the life of me i cannot download it. I have an account already setup, but when i click on the download link i get sent to the build it yourself page. That’s all well and good, but there is no option to make an 11.4 version with kde 3.5.

Does anyone know where i could get a download link for an 11.4 version with kde 3.5 already installed, also with repo’s already setup.


The link you posted is for a pre-built openSUSE 11.4 KDE 3.5 iso, but you have to be logged in when you click the download link.

There still is a KDE3 repo for openSUSE 11.4: Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE3/openSUSE_11.4. Add it and you should be able to install KDE3 on your openSUSE 11.4

I finally got it but kept getting errors when i tried to burn the iso to disk. Eventually i used win 7 to burn the iso and was successful the first time! It’s not as smooth or feature rich as Trinity, but still quicker than kde 4.xx

It feels creamy to use - a strange description but the only way i can describe 3.5 from 4.xx (lol).

Thanks for the replies.



It’s not as smooth or feature rich as Trinity,

Please tell me which features Trinity has and KDE3 in openSUSE does not?