Hi. I’ve been using trinity kde 3.5 for a while and really enjoy it. It’s much faster and smoother on my system than kde 4.xx. So i looked about for an opensuse version that supported kde 3.5. I know that the last official release was 11.1 and the repos are not now officially supported, but i (think) i found what i was looking for at -
For the life of me i cannot download it. I have an account already setup, but when i click on the download link i get sent to the build it yourself page. That’s all well and good, but there is no option to make an 11.4 version with kde 3.5.
Does anyone know where i could get a download link for an 11.4 version with kde 3.5 already installed, also with repo’s already setup.
I finally got it but kept getting errors when i tried to burn the iso to disk. Eventually i used win 7 to burn the iso and was successful the first time! It’s not as smooth or feature rich as Trinity, but still quicker than kde 4.xx
It feels creamy to use - a strange description but the only way i can describe 3.5 from 4.xx (lol).