11.2 Update error: mozilla-xulrunner190-gnomevfs- requires libgnomevfs-2.so.0

When I try doing a software update, regardless if via applet, YasT, or zypper I get the following error.

mozilla-xulrunner190-gnomevfs- requires libgnomevfs-2.so.0, 
but this requirement cannot be provided

Please advise.

All those three methods use of course the same algorithm, so it is not to amazing they they give all the same error.

And as always on this sort of problems (I suppose you searched the Forums about similar “error on update” cases) you will be asked for the output of

zypper lr

So better do this before ‘they’ get angry.

Well I did google quite a bit, with search result pointing to this forum, but didn’t find this specific problem.
Anyhow, thanks for the heads up, and here is the results from zypper lr:

#  | Alias                           | Name                                  | Enabled | Refresh
1  | Mozilla                         | Mozilla                               | Yes     | Yes    
2  | download.nvidia.com-opensuse    | NVIDIA Repository                     | Yes     | Yes    
3  | download.opensuse.org-Backports | openSUSE BuildService - KDE:Backports | Yes     | Yes    
4  | download.opensuse.org-mozilla   | openSUSE BuildService - Mozilla       | Yes     | Yes    
5  | download.opensuse.org-oss       | Main Repository (OSS)                 | Yes     | Yes    
6  | download.videolan.org-SuSE      | VideoLan Repository                   | Yes     | Yes    
7  | ftp.skynet.be-suse              | Packman Repository                    | Yes     | Yes    
8  | openSUSE 11.2-0                 | openSUSE 11.2-0                       | Yes     | No     
9  | openSUSE-11.2-Update            | openSUSE-11.2-Update                  | Yes     | Yes    
10 | repo-non-oss                    | openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss                 | Yes     | Yes    


I am not an expert, but you have two repos with Mozilla. It could that they bite. Better choose for one and disable the other (in YaST > Software > Repositories). Then goto yaST > Software > Software management use SSources from the tabs and use the “Switch system packages to the version in this repository”. May be it helps. Else come back.

And while you are at it, disable the Videolan one also.

The names of some of your repos make me wonder. Could you post the url of #5?

zypper lr -u 5

And if you disable #8, it won’t ask you to insert the dvd when you install new pkgs.

Ok. They both had the exact same url!

I don’t get any tabs, or the option to use Sources. ?

I don’t know what this repos provides. But I heeded your advice.

# zypper lr -u 5
Alias          : download.opensuse.org-oss                               
Name           : Main Repository (OSS)                                   
URI            : http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.2/repo/oss/
Enabled        : Yes                                                     
Priority       : 99                                                      
Auto-refresh   : On                                                      
Keep Packages  : Off                                                     
Type           : yast2                                                   
GPG Check      : On                                                      
GPG Key URI    :                                                         
Path Prefix    : /                                                       
Parent Service :                                                         
MD Cache Path  : /var/cache/zypp/raw/download.opensuse.org-oss 

I also disabled the dvd repos.

Ok, #5 is good. I think what hcvv meant was click on the ‘repositories’ tab in the software manager. Then pick the repo you want from the list on the left. Click on the blue link that says ‘Switch system packages to this repository’.

If you don’t have a repositories tab, click on view and add it from the drop down menu.

. This proves that you have a bit of a mess.

. Then look at the View button somewhere upper left and click Sources.

. Videolan came probaly in with the multimedia/codecs sequence after install, it provides one package and that is it.

. #5 seems to be OK, but the name is a bit strange as pilotgi saw.

When in doubt post your new* zypper lr* or maybe better (though the lines will be rather long):

zypper lr -u

Else try the Sources.

EDIT: Hehe, you won pilotgi !

Sometime I feel like a fool. There is NO view menu!?
Here is a screen shot.https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B59OrNrOHNShYzMyY2I5Y2UtY2U2Mi00YTAxLThiZjEtNWIyYzI0ZjlmYmRm&hl=en
And here is [the revised] lr -u

# | Alias                           | Name                                  | Enabled | Refresh | URI                                                                    
1 | download.nvidia.com-opensuse    | NVIDIA Repository                     | Yes     | Yes     | ftp://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/11.2/                               
2 | download.opensuse.org-Backports | openSUSE BuildService - KDE:Backports | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Backports/openSUSE_11.2/
3 | download.opensuse.org-mozilla   | openSUSE BuildService - Mozilla       | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.2/       
4 | download.opensuse.org-oss       | Main Repository (OSS)                 | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.2/repo/oss/               
5 | download.videolan.org-SuSE      | VideoLan Repository                   | No      | Yes     | http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/SuSE/11.2/               
6 | ftp.skynet.be-suse              | Packman Repository                    | Yes     | Yes     | http://ftp.skynet.be/pub/packman/suse/11.2/                            
7 | openSUSE 11.2-0                 | openSUSE 11.2-0                       | No      | No      | cd:///                                                                 
8 | openSUSE-11.2-Update            | openSUSE-11.2-Update                  | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.2/                              
9 | repo-non-oss                    | openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss                 | Yes     | Yes     | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.2/repo/non-oss/


Oh, that looks like Gnome. Sorry, I’m not familiar enough with gnome to help you with that.

I am getting a similar error for kde with some compiz library. But that’s for another thread.:wink:
By the way, one of the options YasT gives me is to “break” mozilla-xulrunner190 by ignoring the dependency. How dangerous is that (in this case, with Mozilla)?

There’s always a chance that you’re getting this error message in error (funny as that sounds), but sometimes the packager makes a mistake. Can you search your files and see if you have libgnomevfs-2.so.0 already installed? It should be in /usr/lib/libgnomevfs-2.so.0

If so, you can safely use the ignore option.

FYI, libgnomevfs-2.so.0 is part of the gnome-vfs2 package, which is comes from the openSUSE oss repos, not from mozilla. The version I have installed is 2.24.2-2.1.1. Make sure you refresh all repos

zypper ref

and see if there’s an update for gnome-vfs2.

:/usr/lib> ll libgnomevfs*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     25 2010-03-03 11:45 libgnomevfs-2.so -> libgnomevfs-2.so.0.2400.1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     25 2010-03-03 11:40 libgnomevfs-2.so.0 -> libgnomevfs-2.so.0.2400.1
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 414968 2009-10-24 03:58 libgnomevfs-2.so.0.2400.1

I smell something wrong but can’t put my finger on it.

Your YaST picture. It shows that you are allready in the Repostories view at left! When you click one of them you should get a list of installed software from that repos at right and the change to … above it.

I do not know why you have the extra Mozilla repos. But you could disable it to and revert to the standard repos (with the famous click) and see what it says.

Also I do not know why it talks about a gnome library where yoy seem to use KDE. Butr otoh one can mix Gnome applics with LDE.

I tried that as well. Here is a picture of what I get. No view menu or option you described in sight! Interestingly though, it says that I have 1.9.1 installed.??

In order to get Firefox 3.6, I was given (on these forums) the url to that Mozilla repos. (Funny thing though that both repos I had, had the same url.)

Although I have KDE installed and once used it, currently I am using Gnome full time.
Thanks again.

I see that though you have what I siggested: the Sources vier and clicked a repos, the famoues Change … does not appear. Somewhere deep in my memory there is something about that not showing in Gnome but in KDE only. I discarded that as nonsense, how could a window manger do such a thing. But the picture is rather different from what I am used to, It seems that there is a differrent design for both DEs ???

In ay case it looks as if you have not only one, but two versions installed. Is that correct? Try to sort that out. In any case, do you need FF 3.6 for any particular reason or are you experimenting? I have 3.5.8 (came with openSUSE 11.2) and have no problems.

That’s the answer! I tried the kde version of YasT and it is an entirely different program! Indeed I found the option and menu you mentioned.

There are 2 reasons I went for 3.6.

  1. One (or more) of my addons required it.
  2. I have 3.6 on a Windows laptop, and my bookmarks synchronizer requires both be the same version.
    Now for the problem! After choosing the option you mentioned, via the kde YasT, it downloaded about 500meg(!) and installed and I now have Firefox 3.5.4! Now, I don’t know if it revereted other software to older versions as well. I don’t know if there is a mess and if so how to get out of it. And I have limited time today.

When there are no more complaints about dependencies it seems that you have now reverted successfully to FF 3.5.

Now you can try to enable the Mozilla repos, and do the same trick, choose the repos and then click the “blue line change to this …”. Of course first check thouroughly if there are complans and what will be newly installed/upddated befor you OK this.

Take your time. Better tomorrow without pressure, then now.