11.2 RC1 Odd Updates


As I’m using RC1 more and more, I’m getting strange prompts which seem to relate to updates. These appear once in a while, without even any software running explicitly:

  • One window titled “Software signature required” and with blank content. There are no buttons other than the X on the titlebar, just gray. The close button does not work. During that time I cannot launch the “Install Software” application, it says something is locked.

  • A dummy-0.0.1 package requests for updating every once in a while. The dialog asks whether I trust the source of the packages… although only one package is listed. There is a signature user identifier and a signature identifier but those are the same.

  • As part of my “Upgrade” packages, there is a list of 4 items of veersion 0-2.36 which want to upgrade to 0-9999.1.2. I do not know if these are glitches or should be upgraded. They are all called update-test-*

Anyone else gets these? How can I found out what causes them?

Thanks in advance,

  • Itai


You wrote,

> A dummy-0.0.1 package requests for updating every once in a while.
> As part of my “Upgrade” packages, there is a list of 4 items of veersion
> 0-2.36 which want to upgrade to 0-9999.1.2. I do not know if these are
> glitches or should be upgraded. They are all called update-test-*

Same here, I got these updates twice (or updates similar to these). Should I get them again, I will pay better attention to see if they are exactly the same as the ones you are reporting.

Kind regards, Pieter.

Clean installs or updates from 11.1/Milestone release? Checked ‘most annoying bugs’?

swinkelsp wrote:

> Hi,
> You wrote,
>> A dummy-0.0.1 package requests for updating every once in a while.
>> As part of my “Upgrade” packages, there is a list of 4 items of
> veersion
>> 0-2.36 which want to upgrade to 0-9999.1.2. I do not know if these
> are
>> glitches or should be upgraded. They are all called update-test-*
> Same here, I got these updates twice (or updates similar to these).
> Should I get them again, I will pay better attention to see if they are
> exactly the same as the ones you are reporting.

They’re coming from the “update” repo that was automatically installed with
the system. Although the release number appears to the system to be later
than the others, because of the 9999, it was actually created earlier than
one already installed. In Yast, list and click on the module and then have a
look at the version tab to see what’s going on. Won’t tell you why,

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
“I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.”


> In Yast, list and click on the module and then have a
> look at the version tab to see what’s going on

One of the packages was called update-test-security. I looked at its README and it says “Package for testing the update stack during product development”. So it seems all right, although I would think that more people would be puzzled by them (and ask about it here).

So if these packages were there to test the update stack, the update stack almost works (for me at least). I write “almost” as the update applet does not close after I have entered the root password and pressed the Authenticate button. I have to close the dialog through the X in its upper right corner(and only then the update starts).

Kind regards, Pieter.

Clean installs and I checked the Most Annoying Bugs but they are not mentioned. In the meantime I learned the following, they appear to be official test packages to test the update stack.

Kind regards, Pieter.

These update packages, were simply there to test the update mechanism. You can allow updater applet to install the first, then you should see some more appear, installing those dummy packages and you ought to see nothing more.

There aren’t official updates for RC1, how else can online update get tested?